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Within the next few months many things had happened throughout the group. From a best selling album, weddings and pregnancies.
We were all so blessed and as long as something so surprising and deserving happened there was sure to be an Ally talking about it. I could say that I was pretty blessed myself. Bella couldn't be any healthier and me and Pez are living the life she never ever thought we'd have. The stars have aligned.

At this very minute, Ally was very close to welcoming her child into the world. I stand beside her as she held me hand tightly. You're probably wondering, "Where the hell is Ashton Fletcher Irwin?" Sadly his not so punk rock self couldn't handle it and passed out the minute he walked into the delievery room. So I'm taking over. "Thank you for doing this."

"No problem. It's not everyday your famous punk rock husband passes out on the floor."

I laugh behind the surgery mask and the doors behind us fly open. It was Perrie. Over the course of the last two years she went back to university and finished her course. And now she's a Doctor. And I couldn't be any more happier for my girl. Perrie smiles and greets us both, "How's Allysin doing?" she asks.

"Hey...." Ally grumbles.

"Well to be honest Ally it's kinda true."

"Well can we at least save the chit chat for later?" she laughs. The both of us nod and Perrie soon starts the procedure after the nurses had come inside and were all prepped.

By midnight Ally was in a private room. The whole group came to visit her. Like every other hospital we couldn't have everyone cramped into the room. It wasn't small, there was just a lot of us and it was simply the rules.

Ashton went inside first, tears in his eyes the second he stepped foot inside the room. He quickly rushed to Ally's side, taking her hand and pressing a kiss on her forehead.

"Ashton, meet Ashley Marie Irwin."

An hour passed and everyone had come face to face with Ally's baby girl. It brang me so much joy. I could already imagine how great of a mother she would be to Ashley. The way she is towards people is already everything. Her daughter would live the best life. But not only does she have Ally but Ashton. They're all gonna be a perfect family. A little bit more religious than Ashton would expect but that's just classic Allyson Brooke Hernandez.

But that wasn't it. Just a couple weeks ago Zayn and Lauren got in engaged and the 5SOS album went straight to number one in over 70 countries. And there's more to come. It just has to stay secret for now. ;)

Soon it was time to head home. We all said goodbye to the couple before the group dispersed and went seperate ways. I got into the drivers seat and put on my belt while waiting for Perrie and Bella. With a smile, sue climbs inside. "How you doing at the back my princess?" I ask Bella. She lifts her head up.

"I got my belt on mommy."

"Good girl baby." Perrie coos.

"Ma, I'm hungry."

"You want something to eat?" Perrie asks.

Through the rear view mirror I watch her nod.
I turn to Perrie and she points to the McDonalds just down the road. "Ok." I say.

"What about McDonalds, Bells? Sounds good?"

"Feels good!" Bella yells.

"Now you're just lowkey promoting the new 5SOS album. Should we listen to it?"

"Hell yeah! It's bloody amazing!"

I laugh but Perrie didn't like it. As I reverse out of the parking space I watch her nose crinkle.

"Baby," she smiles. "Did Uncle Luke teach you that?" Perrie asks calmly. He's in deep trouble.

Bella simply nods.

"Well he's fuc -" I stop mid sentence and found myself doing the duck face.

"He is. And I will make sure he's not going to see the Penguins tomorrow at the Zoo."

Bella giggles, "He's in trouble."


"PENGUINS!!!! GUYS WE HAVE TO GO CHECK OUT THE LITTLE PENGUINS I WANNA -" Perrie hits the back of his head with her purse and Bella bursts into laughter.

I hold my laughter in and watched Luke pout and rub the back of his head. "Ouch."

"You're in trouble." Bella giggles.

"How come?" he asks.

"You keep teaching my child words you idiot!"

I break my silence and I burst in laughter. Luke  starts walking fastly with Perrie right behind him. Bella takes my hand and looks up, "He's gonna die isn't he?" "No, baby," I laugh. "But he's definitely in a lot of trouble. Don't say that again ok?" She nods and we run to catch up.

Thankfully no one had been killed yet.

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