23 / these four walls

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Zayn sits me down on a dusty old brown chair. Around me were nothing but these four walls. All of which were old, torn and partially broken down. I examined the tiny room as I spotted many hidden cameras around me. "What's the point of hidden cameras if I can easily see it." I scoff. Zayn agrees and laughs as he ties my hands behind my back with some tight rope.

"He's gonna be out here in a minute." he says. "Great, I can bombard the bastard with some questions." I say. He laughs but the sound of footsteps approaching cuts him off.

"The fun's over Malik. Quit the friendly game, quit the laughing and hurry up with your shit." The voice yells. The room didn't have much light seeping in which didn't quite help uncover his identity. But in the end I didn't need the light to see his face. The voice was the only thing I needed and to my surprise I wasn't shocked, "That friendly game you played back at the hospital," I laugh. "Was that all apart of your plan?, I ask. "Did you think that holding me for ransom would give you a chance to win Jade back? Huh? Answer me you fucking bastard!," I yell. "All this fucking time I thought you changed. I forgave you for the shit you did in the past. And you up till now expect Jade to forgive you?! You're so stupid Harold. Truly."

"Don't you dare yell at me!" He shouts. "Yell at you? Forgive me. Am I too loud for you?" I apologise. Harry chuckles and steps forward. His face finally revealed from the darkness. The young bastard steps forward and crouches in front of me and grins as he presses his fingers against the sides of my jaw harshly, "Don't think I'm going to play nice for the sake of Jadey. And you better shout your mouth, Edwards. Or else." he says.

"Or else what? She's gonna come running back to you with opening arms? Stop with this nonsense. Open your god damn eyes! We're married and we have a child. Jade doesn't need you and your fucked up ass. I hope you realise that I've already made her happy. Happy with the life I'm giving her. Don't think she'd be as happy with you then -" Harry clenches his teeth and slaps me with his opposite hand.

My cheek burns but I let it pass. He can do whatever he wants. But the minute he touches what's mine I'm going to wreck him, "Torture me all you want Styles, because in the end she will still choose me over you. Like she always has been. I honestly wonder why you're still like this." I say. He stands up and tucks his hands into the pockets of his jeans, "Shut the fuck up!" he yells. Zayn steps forward and clenches his fists. "You wanna try me?," He asks him. "Go for it. I won't stop you. Get yourself killed. I'm not gonna go gentle."

"Leave him alone!" I shout. "You don't get what quiet means do you?" He spits. "I have the right to speak you fucking rat! Leave Zayn alone!" Harry shakes his head, "Are you protecting him because he's your friend or because he used to play with your little feelings? Huh? Is that why? You love him don't you?" he asks me. "She don't love me. Leave her alone. That was years ago. We didn't mean for it to happen. Stop making it look like she's on the bad side."

"Perrie, tell me and answer truthfully," Harry asks calmly, "do you love Jade?" "Is this a joke Harry? Because yes. I love her more than anything." He grins, "Then to prove it you must do what I ask of you. Simple as that. And I promise you I won't lay a finger." he finishes.
"Fine but you have to answer something." I say.

Harry laughs, "And that's what?" "If you love Jade this much then why would you take me? To get her depressed and make her end her life? Is that what you want? To watch the girl you love get so worried, scared and heartbroken that she suddenly becomes less and less of who she is? Harry is this what you want? If you really love Jade this much then you shouldn't even be d-" Harry turns around and punches the torn wall, large pieces of old paint falling onto the ground, "Yes, I love her! But do you know how it feels?! How it feels to constantly see the girl you love with someone else?! Do you know how that fucking feels?! Don't even answer that. Because you don't! You will never be able to experience the pain of losing someone you love! So don't think you can fix this. It's gone and I've lost her to you!"

"Do you think I wanted this for you?! Of course not. I'm sorry if I fell in love with her and I'm sorry that she fell for me too. I'm sorry ok."

"Just stop," he breathes. "Untie her and take her to the room. And change into this." he hisses as he throws me black material. I catched it and found a pair of black lace lingerie in my hands, "Lace lingerie? What do you want me to do? Give you a private show?," I chuckle. "Not gonna happen" I finish.

"I'm not asking you to give me a private show. Just change. If you really want to prove to me that you love her than you'll be quiet," he says.
"How does this prove anything? You want me to wear something without giving any explanation whatsoever." I say loudly.

"Perrie please. Just change." he says as he chokes back his tears. If this is the only way I can prove to him that I love the girl I married then fine. "I'll do it but you better not lay a fucking finger on her or I swear -"

My phone buzzes and Zayn let's the ropes fall off. I stand up and I take my phone from my back pocket, "It is Jade?," Harry asks. I nod. "Put it on speaker. I want to hear her voice."

"And what makes you think I'll do that?" I ask. "Just do it for me please. And I'll ... I'll let you go." I turn to Zayn and his face is full of shock. Same. I sigh deeply and answered the call.

"Hey, baby what's up. It's early why are you up?" I ask her. I look forward and watched Harry bite his lip as he gazed at the floor. "I read your note. Where are you?" she asks.
Harry smiles at the sound of Jade's voice. "I'm at work baby. I'm out of town but I'll be back." I tell her. "Baby, I don't believe you. Even if you did have work you would've told me instead of leaving me a note. It isn't you and ... you wrote it as if we were not going to see each other in ages. What's happening? Where are you?"

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