30 / secrets

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I sit quietly in bed, my back leaning against the wall as I planned a little trip for me and the girls. Ever since me and Perrie got married we rarely went on holiday. And now that we had Bella and our schedules were hectic we never had time to do so. And so I thought about it.

Why not take them away for a bit? Over the past few years, it really has been a hell of a rocky road and I'm not even gonna deny that fact. Perrie needs this time off and away from the real world for just a minute. Long before we met, her life was already bad enough. But not as bad as it was when her mom found out. Alongside that we still had the Luke and Perrie wedding and finally... we had the carousel accident with Luke. But the accident wasn't just bad for her. I remember being at home, waking up from the horrid dream when Lauren entered. Wasn't it even a dream? More like a nightmare. That dream was so realistic. I'm just glad no one died. If that dream became a reality I'd probably won't have the same Perrie I have now. And I'm glad that I still do.

I have never seen one carry out this much pain. And I will forever be here to be beside her. I can't imagine her on her own, even with Bella and Luke. And there's not enough words to express how proud I am of her being so strong.

She nearly lost me and her best friend. If we both left her... she would have no idea what to do with herself. So here I am. She and Bella deserve as much happiness as possible on this trip. And what better place to bring them than Disneyland? Beside me, I feel Perrie shuffle in her sleep. "Baby, why are you still up?"

I smile as I run my fingers through her blonde hair, "I just had to check some things baby. I'm about to go to bed too don't worry. Go back to sleep." I say as I place my phone and laptop on my bedside table. Perrie nods and scoots over closer to me, burying her head between the crook my neck, "I love you." she whispers.

My lips press against her hair, "And I love you so." I answer. "Do you have to go to work later?" she asks. "Well not anymore." I say.

"Why not?"

"No more questions. Sleep."


"Baby girl I'll tell you in the morning. Stop being a cheeky little nutter." I say.


I close my eyes, her arms around me as I slowly fall asleep within seconds. When I wake up, I squint multiple times to get used to the suns bright rays. I feel the bed beside me, soon realising that it was only the cold white sheets.

"Baby girl?"


"Help me up will you?"

Within a split second Perrie comes rushing out of the bathroom. I laugh, "Morning." I say. A smile appears on her face as she climbs onto the bed sits on top of me. I take her hands and interwine our fingers, pressing a soft kiss on either one, "Morning to you too." she says.

"I have a surprise for you." I announce. "Really? What is -" Perrie stops mid sentence when we both hear a knock at the door. Perrie climbs off and Bella joins us, "Hi, Princess," Perrie smiles, "how was your sleep?"

Perrie opens her arms and I watch Bella hop onto the bed and hug her back. My girls.
"I have a surprise for the both of you," I smile. "And I have a feeling both of you would love it."

"How long have you had this planned?," Perrie grins. "Has it been secret all this time?" she continues. "A while and yes it has been... kinda. But the point is, is that we're going on a little trip." I smile. Bella's face lights up and Perrie just looked mind blown, "Out of the country?"


"Then where?"

"You can guess."

"There's so many places where you could take us. I'd be here all day!" Perrie laughs. "Mommy, can you give us a clue!" Bella giggles.

I smile, "See, look at your daughter asking for clues." Perrie rolls her eyes, "So you'll give us clues?" she asks me. "Oh, I'll give you clues all right." I smile. "So, like now?" she asks.

Bella giggles, "You need to wait Mom."

"What Bella said." I say.

"Please, Jade." she begs. I shake my head, only to have her pout and cross her arms. "You begging won't make me reveal any clues just yet, Edwards. Just wait baby. You'll get some soon I promise." I say.

She smirks, "Clues or ...."

"You dirty little - I'm gonna freshen up. "

"Bella, go watch some TV in the lounge while I teach your mother a lesson." I instruct. She nods and leaves the room in an instant. Perrie takes a pillow from the bed and hides her face behind it. Her giggles fill the room as I climb back onto the bed. "What are you gonna do?"

"What do you want me to do?" I grin.

"I - I don't - "

I place my hands on her hips, making her twitch, "There's a lot of things I'd do to you right now. But one seems very appropriate right now." I whisper in her ear. I begin to tickle her and she bursts into laughter.

"This is what you get for being an impatient little child." I laugh. "Jade!," she squeals. "I - stop." I stop and I watch her lay there, regaining her breath as I help her up.

"I hate you."

"You could never hate me."

"True." she says.

I lean in and I press a kiss on her lips, "I love you baby girl. Even if you're one impatient little girl." I say. "I am not an impatient little girl.

"Then if you're not then what are you?"


heyy guys omg sorry for such a long time to update ive been busy with exams and stuff. i hope you understand. tried to make this chapter as long as possible since i have a math exam i wanna ace tommorrow :) and before i go i have a really good idea for a camren fic. if i made a camren fic would you guys read it? let me know in the comments lovelies xx

Carousel  ▷ Jerrie: TMD SequelWhere stories live. Discover now