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Hey, I’m Lexi. I’m an Angel…one without wings. I don’t care though. They’re just wings. No big deal. I still have my legs so I guess I’m okay with that…I guess.

You see I fell in love with a Demon.

Weird right?

An angel falling in love with a Demon, wait. Scratch that.

He’s not a Demon. He’s half-angel, half-demon.

Exactly two years ago, I fell in love with one of them. It wasn’t allowed though. That’s why he died. It’s been two years and I still can’t accept that he died. He was my world. I’d give anything for him to be alive again.

I miss his cold lips press mine.

His black wings brushing against mine.

His cold bleeding lips kissing me.

You can say he’s pretty magical.

Yeah. Magical. Even, his name was magical.


Every morning, early in the morning I would go to the Gates and sit by Kayli. She was the protector of the gates of Heaven. I would wait for Griffin while talking to Kayli about her parents, the King and Queen of the Angels. I’ve learned so much about them through her.

Kayli isn’t really the brightest probably because she’s the youngest Angel.

I’ve been talking to her a lot lately, you know. Trying to get in deep with her parents and learn about them. About their favorite stuff, hobby, weaknesses.

Yeah, even the highest ranks have their weaknesses, and blind spots.

I’ve been plotting to leave the Heavens. A dangerous thing for someone like me to do, someone with me who doesn’t even have wings. I told Griffin I’ll come back for him and he told me he wasn’t going to die. I never lost hope, everyone thinks I’m crazy and that I should move on, but no.

I can still feel his cold presence and I am going to find him.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now