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“Lexi! Let go of me,” Jacob screamed.

She looked at him. Her vision was blurry. His light brown hair looked like black hair.

Lexi touched his wing they felt like ice in her fingertips.

“Griffin…” Lexi said.

“I’m not Griffin!” he said.

Lexi stroked his cheek, his warmth felt like winter.

“Oh yes you areeee,” she said.

She took his face and cupped his cheeks and wrapped her arms around him.

“Lexi…” his voice was hoarse, “Let go.”

“Hmmm…” Lexi stammered.

“You’re not thinking right,” he began. “Snap out of it. It’s been 2 years!”

“Mhmmmm,” she said.

Her eyes flickered. Jacob tried to push her away.

“Don’t push me away,” she began. “Press your cold body against mine. Come to me, Griffy.”

“Lexi!” he said.

He took Lexi by her shoulders and tried to shake some sense into her.

“Wake–up!” he yelled.

“What’s the matter?” the King said.

“Lexi!” Jacob said. “She’s…” Jacob looked at Lexi weirdly.

Her eyes were flickering and she had a huge grin on her face.

“She’s hallucinating again?” the King asked.

Jacob tried to remove Lexi’s arms around his neck.

“Yeah…” he said.

Jacob pinched Lexi’s arms causing her grip to loosen. He pinched harder and Lexi fell.

“Take her to her room, would you?” the King ordered. “I’m going to the Queen.”

Jacob nodded and he watched the King fly away.

Lexi was curled up on the ground, her eyes closed like she was dreaming. She had a huge smile on her face and stars floated above her head. She started to lift her dress up as she slid her arms back and forth on her legs.

Jacob looked away.

“Griffin,” Lexi whispered.

Jacob looked at her; he can see her tears on her face.

“Griffin,” Lexi cried again. “Stay with me. Please.”

Jacob knelt down and stroked Lexi’s red hair. He felt sorry for her.

“Lexi?” he said.

Lexi sniffed.

“Griffin. Come back…”

Jacob pressed his lips together and carried Lexi.

“Griffin,” she kept repeating.

Lexi’s tears filled Jacob’s shoulders. Jacob let out a deep breath.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now