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I looked at Griffin as he fought the god alongside with Paige. Seven out of the twelve Olympians have died. Paige left his side to help Maya battle Athena. This is the time, I thought to myself. I walked towards Griffin and grabbed his shoulder, he looked at me and raised his arm. I grabbed his arm and twisted it and he let out a loud cry as he fell to his knees. I banged his head on the floor, the black surrounding his eyes slowly faded away.
"Lexi?" his voice was faint. I banged his head again, and he passed out.

"Miss me?" the Queen asked. The Goddess shot her last bolt but the Queen blocked it and froze the Goddess' thunder bolt. The Goddess' eyes widened.
"Whats the matter? Out of bolts?" the Queen laughed. The Goddess raised her arms to block whatever the Queen was about to do. The Queen kicked her hard on the chest and the Goddess came flying by her swift kick. The Goddess raised her arm in the sky and made it lightning and she struck the Queen hitting her wings. The Queen let out a loud scream as she fell to her knees, her crown fell off as her wings slowly ripped off. The Queen tried to stand up and freeze the Goddess but the lightning was draining all of her energy. The Queen's eyes began to close but she felt the lightning stop. She tried to open her eyes and she saw Adrian behind the Goddess.

"Adrian? You can't leave the Underworld." the Queen said.
"Couldn't let you fight on your own, now could I?" he replied with a smile.
Adrian smirked and climbed on top of the Goddess.
"You're supposed to die as soon as you leave the Underworld!" the Goddess said. Adrian grabbed her head.
"Guess not." he whispered. The Goddess closed her eyes as she prepared for her death, Adrian slowly released hot lava and poured it all over the Goddess as the Queen covered it with cold ice. Adrian twisted the Goddess' neck to the side and the Queen gave her a hard kick on her chest.

The Queen smiled at Adrian as he held up the Goddess' head on his hands. Adrian raised his arm for everyone to see that the Goddess has died, the Demons and Angels gasped and the remaining gods fell to their knees and died. The Demons and Angels cheered with joy.

Adrian looked at Grains and tears filled his face.
"Your wings?" he said.
"It's nothing." said the Queen as she touched her back not feeling any wings.
"NO! YOUR WINGS!" Adrian yelled. The Queen looked behind her and sparkles were forming on her back, her crown disappeared and teleported to Jess. The Goddess' body sparkled and her powers transferred to Grains, she was lifted in the air and lightning carried her into the Goddess'  throne.

"Queen?" Kelsey said.
"I think...she's a Goddess now," said Cinthya.

Tears filled Grains' face as she looked down below, there were ashes and blood spilled everywhere. She waved her hand and lightning struck the floors of Olympus, cleaning out the bloods and ashes.
"Jess," Grains said.
"Queen?" said Jess flying towards Grains as the rest of the Demons and Angels followed.
"No. You are the Queen now." said Grains pointing to the crown on her head. "Take care of the Angels."
Jess smiled and tears filled her face while she bowed to the new Goddess of the Skies. Grains burried the gods and goddesses at the depths of the Underworld.

"Let there be peace to all Demons and Angels." Grains said as she struck lightning. "You all should go back to your ways, Olympus is a place for only gods."

The Demons and Angels left.

"Adrian?" Grains said.
"Yes, Goddess?" he said.
"Do you rememeber?" Grains asked. Adrian turned around and walked away.
"No." he said. A tear fell off Grains' face as she watched Adrian walk away and leave the Heavens. Adrian didn't look back not once until he reached the opening of the Underworld. He looked up at the Heavens and smiled.

"You'll make a great god." he whispered.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now