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Needa held on to Griffin, her arms wrapped tightly around him. His wings were brushing hers.
"Do you know where we're going?" Needa asked. Griffin shrugged his shoulders.
"I really don't know. Ask-" Griffin began.
"Hades?" Needa interrupted.

Griffin laughed, he pointed at a tree.
"Let's land there, we've been flying for hours." he said.
Needa slowly closed her wings and let go of Griffin's arm and she perched on one of the tree's branches. She watched Griffin slowly close his black wings, his heat made her sweat a bit.

"Stop staring," Griffin said as he slowly landed.
"Sorry," Needa muttered. "It's just, you're really beautiful."
Griffin didn't hear the last part and asked her to repeat what she said. Her cheeks flushed and turned bright pink as she covered her face.
"Don't make me repeat it." Needa begged.

Griffin sat across from her and leaned in, his face was near hers. Needa can feel Griffin's breathing and he can clearly see her sweating. He brushed her away from her face and wiped away her sweat. He leaned in more, and put his mouth beside Needa's ears.
"Repeat it. Say it again," he whispered softly.
Needa held on to the branch as she felt like falling. She has never been this intense with Griffin before.
"Beautiful. You're beautiful." Needa said. Griffin smirked and looked at Needa.
"Beautiful?" he said softly.

Needa nodded.
Griffin raised his eyebrows and pressed his lips together. Needa stared at his red lips and swallowed.
He took her by her shoulder and pulled Needa towards him as he slowly crashed his lips in hers.
Her heart exploded and she felt like she was going to faint. She held on tight to the branch she was clinging to as her knees slowly grew weak, her lips tasting every ounce of Griffin's lips gently pressed to hers.

Needa looked at Griffin, his eyes were closed. She slowly closed her eyes as she felt Griffin start to wrap his arms around her waist. Needa slowly let go of the branch and wrapped her arms around Griffin's neck. She can feel his scars.

It felt magical, only the two of them alone like she has always wanted and Griffin's lips on her. Just the way she pictured her life would be. It was perfect.

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