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Paige felt like her world was with her again except that Griffin was under her control. Paige and Griffin went to the Underworld before the Heavens.
"Paige?" the Professor said. "Griffin?" he gasped. Paige smiled at the Professor and pat his head.
"Thanks for being such a great teacher," she said.
The Professor looked at Griffin, his eyes were all black and he was stiff.
"You used the love curse on him." the Professor said. Paige raised her eyebrows.
"Now, we're going to the Master. Move away." Paige said.
"This is wrong," said the Professor but Paige chose to ignore him.

Adrian saw Paige and Griffin from afar.
"Paige?" the Master said, "Is that you?" Paige and Griffin landed and Paige let go of Griffin and reached to kiss the Master in the cheek.
The Master gasped and hugged Griffin.
"You're alive!" yelled the Master. Griffin was stiff and looked straight forward.
"What did you do to him?" the Master asked turning to Paige.
"Dad, it's just a love curse. I poisoned him to make him fall in love with me." she shrugged.
The Master was about to hit Paige.
"Dad!" she yelled, "Please."

The Master was furious and grabbed Paige in the shoulders and made her face Griffin.
"Look at him!" he yelled. "Look at him!"
Paige looked at Griffin, she can feel...nothing. His emotions were dead.
"Griffin?" Paige whispered.
"Paige is my love. I love Paige," Griffin sounded like a robot.
"See what you've done to him!" the Master yelled. Paige looked at the Master straight in the eye as tears filled her eyes but she tried to hold herself back from her tears falling.
"I– I don't know what to do." Paige said.

The Master grabbed Paige's wings about to rip them off.
"You made me out of a raven's blood, he was made out of Angel blood. We can love!" Paige said.
"He was born," the Master interrupted.
"Dad!" Paige yelled. "Please. Fifty years! Fifty years I've tried to make him mine, and now that he's mine will you really take him away from me again?"
The Master let go of her wings.
"This is a poisonous dream. Let go of him, he belongs to Needa!" the Master said.
"NO!" Paige yelled, "EVERYONE SAYS HE BELONGS TO NEEDA, HE'S MINE!" Paige grabbed Griffin's arms and left the Underworld.

The Master took a deep breath and watched Paige and Griffin go to the Heavens.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now