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The Queen tapped her fingers on her throne. Her memories with Adrian kept coming back to her and she fought so hard to forget all about him but pictures of Adrian's face kept flashing in her mind.

She was about as in a bad shape like Lexi.

Her head began to pound again and she let out a faint scream. Screams calling for help trying to erase her sorrows. She wanted to wipe Adrian off completely on her mind.

Why does it matter anyways? He doesn't even remember. She clenched her fists together and icicles started to form on the edges of her wings. The Queen looked above and her brown eyes turned blue.
"This is your fault," she said to the Goddess. "This is all your fault."
"Your Majesty!" she heard a voice.
"Not now, Zack." the Queen said. "I don't want you here. I don't need you here right now. Leave me alone."
The King pretended not to hear anything and sat beside the Queen.
She gave him a look and clenched her fists tighter. The King tried to hold her hand but she backed away.

"Zack," she began. "I said stop."
"Stop mourning about Cinthya. It's been two years,” he said. "Please come to your right mind, the angels need you. I need–"
"You don't know anything!" the Queen interrupted. "You know nothing."
The King stroked her wing. "Then, help me to understand."
Icicles started to form on the Queen's wings.
"Zack!" she yelled. "I said leave."
The King still pretended to not hear her and continued to stoke her wing.
"Grains–" he began.

The Queen shot ice at the King causing him to get blown away, landing on his wing losing a few feathers. The King's eyes widened and stood up.
"I said," the Queen whispered. "LEAVE!" her voice was cold.
The King still pretended to not hear anything and ran towards the Queen. She continued to shoot ice at him but this time, he tried to block it trying not to harm the Queen.

She dropped her arm and started to cry.
"Zack, please." she pleaded. "Leave."
The King took her neck and forced it to face him. His wings became really cold. 
"Listen to me!" he yelled. "Stop this!"
The Queen tried to look away, "Zack, you're hurting me. Let go."
He made his grip tigther.
"No!" he screamed. "It's already bad enough that Lexi has lost her mind! And Cinthya got her memories erased!"

Memories erased.

The Queen started to cry.

"The Angels don't need their queen to lose her mind too!" he explained. "Get over it!"
"You don't even know what you're talking about," she thought.
"Find yourself!" he said. "The Angels need a proper ruler!"
The King let go of the Queen's neck and left her on the floor, still crying.

"Think about it!" he yelled. The King then left her alone in her Throne Room.

"He doesn't even know what he's talking about." she whispered.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now