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The Goddess looked down from the skies.
"Hades!" she yelled.
"Goddess?" Hades called out from behind as he slowly walked towards the Goddess.
"Griffin," she began. "His ashes. You divided it into two when you resurrected him?"
Hades nodded.
"His wings?" The Goddess asked.
"It also split." said Hades.

Hades looked down in the mortals. He can see Griffin and Lexi, and Griffin and Needa.
"Needa," Hades whispered.
"Shhh." the Goddess hissed. "Let them suffer!"
Hades turned around. "Is this what you enjoy doing? Making your followers suffer?"
"They deserve it!" the Goddess yelled. "Their love was forbidden."
"It is love," Hades explained. "You can't control it when it comes to you."
"I control things around here!" the Goddess yelled.
Hades sat down.

The Goddess watched Griffin and Lexi, and Griffin and Needa.
"To my eyes, Griffin is a Demon and since you looked at him. In the end, one of you must die." the Goddess whispered.
Hades got up and stood next to the Goddess, he looked down and observed the mortal world.
"They can't be merged again unless Griffin finds himself again," Hades said.
"Find himself?" the Goddess asked.
"His true heart," Hades explained. "So many want him in their possession yet he always chooses the wrong creature to love. Once he has found himself, he will merge and become one again."

The Goddess sighed. "He hasn't learned anything when I ordered Adrian to kill the mortal."
Hades nodded. "He hasn't learned anything at all. Why can't he just accept Needa's love and peace will remain and everyone will be happy?" wondered Hades.

"It's their destiny to be with each other. They are meant to be."

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now