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Are you kidding me right now? I am in the middle of a wonderful life experience and an earthling pops up asking for muffins.

"No. We don't want your muffins!" I yelled.
Renee dropped her tray and sat in the front seat. Griffin and I looked at each other, with the same question on our faces.
"Who exactly is she and why does she keep popping randomly with food?" we thought.

"You know, it's rude to climb in someone's truck and have sex." Renee turned her head and faced us. "Normal people don't do that."
I swallowed.

Normal people don't do that? Can she possibly know that we're not human?

I tried to calm myself. I felt Griffin squeeze my hand like he was telling me to escape.
I laughed to myself. She can't know that we're not humans. She's just a...human. I hope.

Renee sighed and stared at me.
"Your moans weren't pleasurable enough in the ears. Are you sure your boyfriend enjoyed himself?" she joked.
Griffin tried to reach out and strangle her but I blocked his arm.

I used my powers against her as I tried to penetrate her mind.
"Who are you and why do you always pop up?" I asked.
Renee's brown eyes turned blue.
"I was a Demon but I chose to be mortal because I loved to bake and I gained powers in the mortal world and now I'm a Teleporter." she said, sounding like a robot.

A Demon who chose to be mortal because she loved to bake. Wow.

"Why do you keep following us?" I asked.
"Angel," she pointed at Griffin.
Griffin laughed. "I'm not exactly an Angel."
"Demon." she continued. "Split soul in California."
Griffin leaned in and I had a confused look in my face.
"Split soul in California." she said. "With another Demon. I can help."
"Split soul? What?" I asked.
"When Hades resurrects an Angel, they forget their memories. Demons are immortal unless Hades and the Demons Master kill them. They're the only one who can kill them." she explained and pointed to Griffin.

"But since he's a half Demon, half Angel. Hades thought his memory would be erased but his soul split in two. A full Demon and a full Angel. What you have here with you is the full Angel, the full Demon is in California." she explained.
Griffin let out a sigh and pressed his temples.
"How do we merge them?" I asked.
"The first one to find himself. Once he has found himself, the lost one shall turn to ash and merge in the other's body," she explained.
"How does one find himself?" I asked.
She grabbed me by my shoulder.
"True love. He needs to find where his heart truly belongs: the mortal, Needa or you."

I stopped using my powers and fell to my knees. I looked at Griffin and he was stiff his eyes were wide and his mouth open.

It all made sense now. It explained why he wasn't cold like I remembered him to be, and why his wings were white.

"True love. Needa," those words kept ringing in my head. I remembered that night at the battle where Griffin clung to Needa while they were fighting the Angels.

I felt dizzy. What if I'm not his true love? I looked at him while my eyes filled with tears, he was still stiff.

"Griffin-" I began.
"Muffins?" Renee interrupted holding a tray full of muffins.
I shook my head and I glared at her.
"What?" Renee asked.

Muffins. I hate them now.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now