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“You had really good progress, Needa.” The Professor said. “I think you’re good now. I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks,” Needa said. She opened her wings and admired it.

“Needa…” the Professor began. “Are you really going after Griffin?”

She nodded. “I have to. I have to save him. I know he’s alive. My feathers tell me he is.”

“Do you even know where to start?” he asked.

“No,” Needa said. She turned her back and flew away.

“Stubborn child,” the Professor thought.

Twin core location: Earth

Needa can’t get the voice of the skull off of her head. She knew she was going to go to Earth to look for him, but where?

“You’re never going to find him,” Maya interrupted her thoughts. “Oh look you can fly now.”

“Shut the fuck up, Maya.” Needa’s wings began to flame.

“You won’t find him,” Maya laughed and flew away.

Needa tried to think. What would Griffin be doing on Earth if he can just simply return to the Underworld?

Needa tried to think of Griffin as she slowly analyzed his every move and tried to remember him. He thought of that day when he carried her when her wings didn’t work properly.

“Marina!” she whispered. “There’s only one thing Griffin would want in Earth.”

But no, Marina is dead. Could Griffin possibly be visiting her body? Needa closed her eyes and tried to remember where Marina lives.

“Cal–” she thought. “Something with a Cal–”


That should be where Griffin is. California. Needa looked at her wings and plucked a feather out of it.

“I trust you,” she whispered to her feathers. “Wings of the same feathers.”

And off to California Needa flew.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now