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And now, here I am writing this story...might've been my journal or diary. Griffin and I are currently preparing to live on our own and leave Renee. I think we might've bugged her long enough. Griffin and I packed our bags and took a lot of cookies, cakes, muffins and candies. 
"Let's go." Griffin said as he grabbed my hand.
"Are you sure you guys are going to be okay?" Renee asked.
"Yeah, it's been half a month. I think we can handle it now." he said.
"Your powers should come sometime. I can teleport, remember to call me or something when your powers arrive, OK?" Renee said.
Griffin nodded.

I hugged Renee and tears filled my eyes.
"I'll miss you." I said. "You've done so much, thank you."
Renee winked at me. "Take care."
Griffin and I waved our goodbyes to Renee.

"So, you ready?" I asked. "Explore the dangers of the human world?"
Griffin squeezed my hand.
"As long as you're with me." he whispered.

Peace was restored in the Underworld, the Heavens, and Olympus; Paige found a new Demon to fall in love with and Maya finally forgotten about Griffin. As for Needa, she never gotten over it. And everyday she visited Earth to look how Griffin was doing. This was the first time Needa ever saw Griffin this happy, she never interfered again between Lexi and him but she always had her eye on them. Adrian never told Grains that he remembers her.
Jess did a great job being a new Queen of the Heavens and Kelsey is now the Guardian Angel, and as for Kayli, the ice that caged her finally melted and she's now a regular Angel. There was no more Gates to protect since the Demons and Angels are now kind-of friends.

Kind of. Not really, but kind of.

--------The End---------

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