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"Sorry," Griffin said as he pulled away from Needa.
Needa slowly opened her eyes, her lips still wet from Griffin's lips. She took a deep breath.
"It's fine." Needa stammered. She leaned in towards Griffin, her eyes told him she wanted more.
Griffin raised his eyebrows and Needa nodded.

He pulled her in and cupped her face, he can feel her warm body on his. He began to kiss her as her hands slid on his waist.
Needa can feel his warm tongue inside her mouth.
"Mhmmm," Needa moaned as she began to rub him, her wings opened up and it gradually grew hotter and hotter as the intense kiss grew wilder.
Griffin slowly started to feel up her back, touching her wings.

"Ouch!" Griffin pulled away from Needa and her burning hot wings.
"I- I'm sorry!" Needa said as she closed her wings.
"It's okay," said Griffin as he blew on his finger.
"Damn it! I was so close to step two." thought Needa.
She stared at Griffin's wings, it was still dark as the night but why does it have white feathers on the top she wondered.

Needa's thoughts got interrupted when someone threw water at them. They both looked down and saw a girl below.

She had short light brown hair with blonde highlights, her eyelids were deep and thick long eyelashes surrounded her hazel green eyes. She had a really big smile on her face, and Needa noticed she had braces colored red and green.

"I'm Cassie!" she called.
"Get lost." Needa yelled.
"No. Let's be friends." Cassie yelled. "I want to be your friend."
Needa glared at her.
"I said get lost," Needa said.
"No-" Cassie began. Needa came down from the tree and pushed Cassie causing her to fall from her feet. Needa heard Griffin laugh from above.
"I said-get lost." Needa whispered.

Cassie stood up and her arms were like waves in the sea. It slowly turned to water and she shot Needa.
Needa got blown away by the push of the water that came out from Cassie's hands.
"I said-let's be friends." Cassie whispered.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now