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The Master came to visit the Queen in the Dungeons, he can feel her fear. He stared at her wings, her feathers weren't falling off anymore thank you to the lava around her wings acting like a blanket.

Adrian knelt down and stared at Grains, she looked miserable and very tired. His heart wanted to explode and he felt like throwing his arms around her and comfort her and let her cry in his shoulders.
But he couldn't.
He just can't risk seeing her getting hurt again. Adrian is aware he has caused enough trouble for her and he doesn't want to cause more trouble.

Adrian reached out for Grains and poked her wing.
"Angel!" he yelled. "Get up!"
The Queen slowly opened her eyes and got up quickly.
"Adrian!" she managed to speak.
"What are you doing here? Why did you come here?" he asked.
"I need you to remember." she said. "Please!"
"Remember what?" he asked.
"Me, us." she whispered.
The Master laughed and tears fell off the Queen's face.
"You and I? Us?" he chuckled.

The Queen hid her face and turned around. The Master can feel her sorrows.
"I'm sorry," he thought. "I have to." he used his powers on her and started to read her mind.

Adrian saw how much Grains loved him no matter what he did. He saw her fear when she witnessed him kill another Angel.
He saw how much anger she had in the Goddess when Adrian was banished from the Heavens and became a Fallen Angel. Everyday, night she cried in her room. Everyday, she tried to smile the pain away so the other Angels wouldn't bother her.
He saw how happy she was again when he gave her the letter asking to meet outside the gates every nightfall. Grains was happy again and she smiled. She didn't have to fake a smile or anything. She felt like she was the happiest Angel in the Heavens.
He saw how Grains could never forget that night they kissed, kissed, and kissed under the stars. It felt like magic.
He saw how angry Grains was to the Angels that reported to the Goddess when they noticed her bump. It felt like her world was over.
He saw how much pain Grains had buried in her heart as she watched Adrian walk away from her and into the Underworld, she never lost hope for him to come back to her. Everyday, she'd look out and look for a sign but nothing ever came.
He saw how much she suffered when she gave birth to their son by herself.
He saw how much she was happy again and tried to smile when she became Queen.
He saw how much hope she got when he took their son away from her.
He saw how much she forced herself to love Zack just to forget Adrian.

Adrian saw everything. He felt her pain, and her sorrows. The Master felt how furious she was in the Goddess. Oh, how the Queen despised her.

Adrian fell to his knees and stopped reading her mind. He blamed himself for everything she has been through. A tear fell from his eye but he quickly wiped it. He cleared his throat and opened the Queen's dungeon.

"Angel! Get out," he ordered. The Queen slowly wiped her tears away.
"So, I read your mind." the Master began. He saw the Queen's eyes light up. The Master he had to lie about what he saw.
"You came here to avenge your Angel, Cinthya from the Goddess." he began.
"No." said the Queen. The Master raised his arm.
"That wasn't a question. I too, do not want her here. I have enough Demons." he explained. "I too, don't like the Goddess of the Skies she looks down upon is and treats us like dirt. We can try and defeat the Goddess if we joined forces."
The Queen's face lit up, she didn't like battles. She doesn't like them one bit. But there was something in it that she likes.

Defeat the Goddess.

"Deal," the Queen shook the Master's hand. She didn't doubt him, she trusted him. The Queen knows he can be trusted.
The Master smiled and quickly let go of her hands.

"Prepare the warriors!" the Master yelled.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now