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"Why'd you just let her go?" Jess yelled. "You should've stopped her!"
"I had to. It felt like it was the right thing to do," Kelsey said.
Jess sighed.
"Does anyone know about this?" she asked.
"No. Well, maybe Kayli but she's really shallow and I don't think she will even remember." said Kelsey.
"As long as she stays frozen," Jess said.

Kelsey's eyes lit up.
"You're with me on this, Jess?" Kelsey smiled.
Jess nodded and shrugged her shoulders
"Well, it does seem like it's the right thing to do. So yes, I'm with you on this." Jess said.

Kelsey hugged Jess.
"Thank you!" she said.
"We already lost two angels so it's best that us three should stick together." explained Jess.
"I just hope Lexi is doing fine." Kelsey said.
"Don't worry." Jess began. "She's doing fine."
"How do you know?" Kelsey asked.
"I can feel it. Griffin and Lexi's love is strong. Nothing can separate them." Jess explained.

Nothing can separate them.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now