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I’m sure he’s alive. I really am not crazy. Everyone thinks I’m crazy. I can assure you I’m not crazy. I’m not ill. I’m perfectly fine.

And I’m definitely not hallucinating.

I hate how they don’t believe that I’ve seen his wing outside a few times before. I mean, maybe I’ve gone mad? I’ve tried to kiss Jacob so many times because I thought he was Griffin.

Jacob always had icicles forming on the edges of his wings whenever I’m near him and it reminds me of Griffin and I just lose myself. That’s probably the only part where I go crazy. But besides that, I’m not. I really am not.

I know a black wing when I see one. I’m not blind. I lost my wings not my eyes and I’ve been planning to escape from the Heavens. It’s just hard, you know? Considering I don’t have wings. If I escape, I’ll fall. Duh.

The Queen treats me like a prisoner here. I can still get out of my room but once I act “weirdly” someone was always forced to take me back to my room.

They think I’m crazy and hallucinating?

Well, I’m not.

I lay on my bed and stretched my arms and legs as I reached down for my notebook.

I sighed.

“Lexi, you have to be brave!” I thought.

I opened my notebook and flipped to back of the page where I kept my checklist.

Checklist: ¨´

Ω Talk to Kayli about the King and Queen’s blind spots.

Ω Find out what their blind spots are

Ω Make a wing machine that will help me fly or some sort

Ω Try to avoid Jacob so I won’t get carried away with his cold wings

Ω Go to the clouds where you always see the black wing

I laughed at myself.

Maybe I am crazy.

I’ve written that checklist about three months ago and I still haven’t accomplished anything. The only thing I’m getting close crossing out that checklist is talking to Kayli. I’ve been talking to her for almost two years and all she tells me is what the King and Queen does at night.

Gross. I don’t care about that part.

But, I have to bear with her in case she might spill out some important details that I actually care about.

Everyone was watching me though, their eyes all on me. It’s like I’m being patrolled 24/7 and I hated it. I hate the Queen for not trusting me and I hated every angel for not believing me.

“If only Cinthya was here,” I thought. “She understands me.”

I closed my notebook and threw it on the ground. My head started to hurt. I rubbed my temples to stop the ache. I shut my eyes and saw pictures of Griffin flashed before my eyes.

I saw the time when he tried to disguise me as a demon so I could “blend in.” I saw the time when he told me to take my clothes off and I choked because I thought he was going for something else there.

I laughed. I miss him.

The hairs on my arms began to rise.

 Brrr. Coldness.

I remember him being so cold. The wind blew my hair and I stretched my arms and yawned.

“I’m tired,” as I yawned. I curled up on my bed and puffed my pillow and closed my eyes.

I was back in the Pitch Black Room, the first time Griffin and I talked to each other.

“Griffin?” I called out.

“Lexi!” he said.

“Griffin!” I yelled. I threw my arms around him. “You’re alive.”

“I’m a Demon. I’m immortal.” He said.

I cried.

“Lexi?” he whispered. “Come to me,”

 His voice started to faint.

I opened my eyes and tried to catch my breath. I looked out the window, those black wings still waving at me.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now