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I was ready to look for Griffin and go to that cloud to see if the black wing that has been waving to me is really he. I checked my bag to see if I had everything I needed in there: bow and arrow, extra straps for my wing machine, more arrows, and food. There wasn't much in it but that will do...I think. All I'm going to do is look at that black wing anyways.

I folded my wing machine and put it in my bag. I had to make sure no one would see it. I walked towards the door and opened it slowly, checking for Angels guarding me. I saw no one and I ran quickly towards the Gates.

I was almost near the Gates when i saw Jacob from behind a pillar. His wings still had icicles on it. I quickly hid under the table hoping he won't pass my way.

"It's like he's trying to freeze his wings on purpose," I thought.
I saw him fly away and I let out a sigh of relief.

I stood up and ran quicker to the Gates.

"Lexi?" Kayli said. "What are you doing here?"

"Ummm..." I stammered. Kayli flew towards me and I hid my bag behind me.

"What's that?" she asked.

"Um, what's what?" I tried to smile.

"Behind you?"

"There's nothing behind me. What are you saying?"
"Yeah, there is!" She tried to reach behind me but I raised my bag above my head and she couldn't reach because she was too short. Kayli looked at me suspiciously.

"I'm sorry, Kayli." I said.

"Huh?" I blew her ice and her body slowly covered with ice.

"Sorry," I said as I took her keys and opened the Gates.

This is it. Good Luck to me. 

"Lexi!" I heard from behind me
"Kels–" I stammered.
She pats my shoulder and smiled, "Good Luck."


"Good Luck. I know how much you love him. So, Good Luck. I'll cover up for you."

I hugged her tight.
"Thanks!" I opened my bag and took my wing machine out and wore it and I secured the straps from my shoulders making sure it won't fall off. I flexed my shoulders and my wing machine opened. It felt like they were natural like they were attached to me. I let myself drop as I began to pick up speed and I flapped it.

"Good Luck!" I heard Kelsey yell.

I waved back at her. She's such a good friend.

"This is it," I flew towards the cloud where I always saw the black wing waving at me. It became clearer as I flew near it. I landed on the cloud and saw the wings weren't all black.

It was just the tips. Everything was white except the tips. I reached out for the wing and poked it then the cloud beside it disappeared. The cloud spit out a boy with black hair, his face was pale white and covered with scars.

My heart pounded and my head started to ache again.

"Griffin!" I yelled.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now