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“Stop poking me!” Griffin said as he removed my finger from his arm.
“I have to make sure you’re real. That I’m not crazy or hallucinating.” I said.
Griffin laughed.
“You’re crazy!” he yelled. “I’m real. You’re not hallucinating.”

“Am I? Am I really?” I said.
“You are,” Griffin poked me in the sides. “Really.”

I grabbed Griffin’s arm and I felt his warmth.

Why is he not cold? Why are his wings white? How is he alive?

I had so many questions in my head and I don’t know where to start. I tried to pop those questions whenever we talked but all he says is “I don’t know. Ask Hades.” I don’t even have direct contact with Hades. I’d rather ask my own Goddess instead of the Demon’s God.

I heard his stomach grumble.
“Was that you?” I asked. He reached for his stomach and bit his lips; I was taken a back when his lips didn’t start to bleed. It normally always bleeds when he bites them.

“Yeah, I’m hungry.” He said.
I opened my bag and reached for my food. I took out three angel cakes and gave two to Griffin. He smelled it and gave one back to me.
“What? It’s good.” I said.
“I know.” he ate one angel cake as fast as lightning. I gave another one to him but he returned it.
“No, eat it.” he said.

“But, I’m not hungry!” I began. “You’re the one whose stomach is grumbling!”

“No. You first.” He said.

“No. You.”

“No. You.”

“No. You.”

“Enough!” a voice from behind Griffin said. Griffin turned around and I looked behind his shoulder. I saw a girl with dark complexion. She had black hair and really big eyes and long eyelashes her collarbones were very visible. She wore a tiny tank top, really tiny that you can almost see her chest and her shorts were very, very, very, short.

“I’m Renee,” the girl said as she put her hand on Griffin’s shoulders. “And you are?”

Griffin swallowed.

“I– I’m–” he stammered. I rolled my eyes. His eyes were locked on hers.
“He is Griffin, and I’m Lexi. I’m his girlfriend.” I interrupted.
Renee looked at me and she crossed her arms as she started to walk towards me.
“I wasn’t talking to you,” she looked to her right and raised her shoulder. “I was talking to him.”
I let out a loud exhale.
“You have no business here!” I said. “Please, leave.”
She giggled and curled her hair on her fingers and she walked back to Griffin. Renee put one arm on his shoulder.
“Griffin,” I said.
“I–” she began. “Have food.”

Griffin’s eyes glittered.
“Where?” he asked.

Is this really happening right now? I was trying to give him my food but he kept rejecting it but then some girl shows up and he won’t reject her offer. I didn’t like how she swayed her hips as she walked. And I mostly didn’t like how Griffin’s eyes were locked on hers.

Renee handed Griffin a rectangular plastic object.

Mortals call it Tupperware. I think.

“It’s lasagna. I baked it myself.” Renee whispered. Griffin took the lid out and smelled it and began to eat the lasagna like a homeless person.
“Thanks,” he burped. Renee pat his stomach and it made rock-hard noises.
“Oh,” Renee said. I looked at her with disgust.
“Well, bye now. I’ll see you around.” She said softly.

“How come that girl gets to give you food and I don’t?” I asked.
“Don’t be so jealous,” Griffin said. My face flushed and I can feel my cheeks turn red.
“That’s your food and I care about you more than her so I want you to be healthy. I don’t care if I starve.” he explained. “Now, eat those two cakes.”

“Oh.” I said. I ate my last angel cakes and burped a little.

See you around? Yeah, right. I can assure you, you won’t be seeing us around.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now