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Needa's wings started to glow and strengthen again, her black wings stretched and slowly opened. Poseidon saw the sand where he burried Needa began to shake, he felt the sand slowly disappear and Needa came out bursting out of the hole. Poseidon's eyes widened.
"Impossible." he thought. He watched Needa ascend off the waters, her eyes still closed but her wings were flaming red than ever, carrying her out of the water. Poseidon breathed heavily, the hairs on his arm began to rise. What would he tell Hades? They were ordered to kill Needa but Needa's wings saved her from slowly dying."Dad?" Cassie said.
"Shh. Tell no one." Poseidon whispered.
Cassie nodded.
"Same feathers. Griffin, he's found himself." he thought and there was a big wave at the ocean from his anger.

"Needa, wake up." a voice from her head told her. "You're out of the water. Wake up."
Needa felt the wind on her face and she slowly opened her eyes and stood up. She was dripping wet. Her wings opened up and covered her, protecting her from the cold. Needa looked at her wings, it was glowing again.
"Why does it keep glowing?" she thought to herself. Needa stroked her wings and whispered thank you to her feathers. She came back to the tree to look for Griffin.
"Griffin?" she yelled, Needa saw a black wing behind the branches. "I thought you're not gonna be here anymore."
Needa's heart beat became fast, as the black wing came out behind the branches. Her eyes widened.
"Maya," she said nervously. "What are you doing here? Where's Griffin?"
"That's what I came here to ask you," said Maya as she tilted her head. "Where is Griffin?"
Needa's breathing was loud.

"I-I don't know," said Needa. "I left and–"
Maya pulled out a dagger out from her pocket as she smiled, Needa's heart began to pound louder and her breathing faster.
It was the first time Needa got scared, she wasn't the kind of Demon that gets scared easily. Needa wasn't sure if she's still immortal or not but she trusts her wings enough to believe that she's immortal.
"I'm still immortal." she thought as Maya slowly came towrds her while playing with her dagger in her hands.

"Maya," Needa said, sweat dripped off her face. Maya laughed and looked at her, she was dripping wet.
"You're soaked." Maya said with a smirk on her face.
"Maya, please." Needa's voice was trembling. "Not right now."
"I've wanted to kill you ever since I made you." Maya whispered. "Kill."
Needa clenched her fists and tried to start a fireball on her hand but it wasn't powerful enough to stay long, the water on her body washing the fire out.

Maya flew behind her as she gently stroked Needa's wings.
"Angel blood," Maya said. "So rare for a Demon to be made out of Angel blood."
Needa took a deep breath.
"Sorry," as the words came out of Maya's mouth she stabbed Needa hard she can hear her bones crushing. Needa let out a loud scream as Maya stabbed the dagger deeper, blood rushing out.
Maya laughed.
"You're no longer immortal, aren't you?" she said proudly as Needa fell on her knees. Maya stepped on her wings and it lost its glow.
"Have fun, bitch." Maya said as she flew away. Needa's eyes slowly closed and she saw Maya fly into the heavens. It became harder for her to breathe, she carefully rolled laying on her belly. She took the dagger and slowly removed it from her.

Needa let out a loud scream, she looked at the dagger filled with blood and tears filled her eyes.
"Ew, I'm a mortal." she said as her breathing slowed down. She looked at her wings, it still looked perfectly fine and strong. Needa counted on her wings to save her again like what it did when she was in the water but nothing was happening.
Needa managed to reach out her wings as she stroked it. "I trust you." she whispered as the light slowly left her eyes.
"Needa, I love you. Needa, I need you," she heard Griffin's voice from a far. Needa smiled, she has been waiting for centuries for him to say it. It was like music in her ears, she can listen to it all day long.
"I love you more." she said as the words left her lips, her heart stopped beating.

The sun started to set and the moon rose. Needa's body was left beside the tree where Griffin turned to ashes. Vultures (a kind of bird that feeds on dead stuff) started to surround her remains ready to eat her. Needa's wings slowly lit up and soon enough it was glowing brighter and brighter driving the vultures away. Fire started to form at the edges of her wings as the fire channelled throughout her body burning the water off her pores.

Needa's finger twitched.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now