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"I don't understand what we're doing here.," said Maya as she lit her wings on light fire warming herself up.
"I hate it here. I don't like it here but were under the Master's orders." said Cinthya.
"The Master is all alone in the Underworld. Shouldn't the Angels just be the one to come down there? I mean, they'll melt but we can just put lava on their wings to act as a blanket like what Master did to the Queen." complained Maya.
Cinthya shrugged her shoulders.
"The atmosphere is makes me feel filthy. I hate being in the same room with these nasty Angels." said Maya.
"Oh, would you shut up? Stop complaining!" Hannia yelled at her as Cinthya backed away. Maya gave Hannia a dirty look and stretched her wings even further.
"Don't tell me, you're enjoying it here," said Maya. Hannia raised her eyebrows.
"Oh, I don't know. Spreaking of enjoying, I bet Needa is enjoying herself with Griffin right now." Hannia teased. Maya's eyes grew wide.

"E-excuse me?" interrupted Kelsey. Hannia and Maya turned around and saw her, Hannia smiled at her but Maya turned her back.
"Um, hi." Hannia said.
"Did you say Needa?" asked Kelsey.
Hannia nodded, "Yeah. She's one of our demons. Why? Do you know her?"
Kelsey sighed, "I remember her name. Lexi mentioned her once, I just don't remember what she mentioned Needa about."
"Probably about Griffin," Hannia began. "They're meant to be."
Kelsey laughed.
"But, Maya over here likes Griffin." Hannia explained. Maya walked towards them and shook Kelsey's hand.
"I'm Maya. I made Needa from an Angel's blood whom I killed." explained Maya.
Kelsey's eyes widened and swallowed, she noticed someone from the side.
"Cinthya?" Kelsey yelled as Cinthya walked towards them.
"Do you remember me?" asked Kelsey.
"No," Cinthya said, flames coming out of her breath.

"I'm made out of Goblin spit." Hannia explained. Kelsey had a disgusted look on her face.
"Most Demons are made out of Goblin spit. I am too," said Maya.
"A-are Demons made?" asked Kelsey.
"Yeah, we're made. Unless you're an Angel that became a Demon like Cinthya." explained Hannia. "What about you?"
"Uhm, we're born." said Kelsey. "Angels are born, not made."
Maya laughed, "So that's why you're so fragile."

"Kelsey!" Jess yelled.
"I'm over here!" said Kelsey, Jess walked towards her and her eyes widened when she saw that she was surrounded by Demons.
Jess tried to put a smile on her face.
"I'm Jess," she said.
Jess wanted to hug Cinthya so bad but she knew it had no use since Cinthya doesn't recall one chunk of memory of her.

"What exactly are we waiting for?" Maya said. "I thought we we're gonna attack the gods and goddesses in Olympus?"
"Battling the gods isn't as easy as you think. They're strong and it takes true courage to beat them." explained Jess.
Maya laughed. "I'm strong."
"They're gods." Jess said.
"Whatever." said Maya. "What exactly is your Queen doing? Is she waiting for a party in her Throne Room?"
Jess crossed her arms, offended from what Maya said. She was about to blast at Maya when Kelsey interrupted.
"Uhhh– most likely preparing a battle strategy. You can't just battle the gods in Olympus without a Strategy." explained Kelsey. "Well–we're gonna go now. You guys have um–fun?"
Kelsey and Jess flew away.

"Puny." said Hannia. "Puny as fuck. That's probably why they're so weak–they're born."
"Griffin was born too!" exclaimed Maya. "He's not weak."
"Stop it, Maya. Griffin and Needa are meant to be. Just stop it, unless she's dead you have no chance, it's their destiny." said Hannia as she flew away. "Come on, Cinthya."

A thought came up on Maya's head.
"Unless she's dead." kept replaying in her mind. Maya then laughed to herself.

If I made her, I can end her. By Angel's blood she was made, by Angel's blood she shall perish.

Maya let out a loud laugh, her hot breath filling the room.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now