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Needa knew she couldn't handle it anymore. The pain in her back bothered her so much. It even hurt to move her shoulders.

"I can't take it anymore," she thought.

She tried to walk towards The Spiky Conway it's the part of the Underworld where you'll find the brightest Demons.
Needa opened her wings to signal the guard that she was there, but they didn't respond.
Needa crossed her arms and opened her wings wider, trying not to hurt herself.

Still no response.

"Hello?" Needa knocked on the door. "Anyone?!"
She pounded on the door harder. Needa started to become impatient. Her wings slowly set on fire.

There was a white skull that rose from the door slowly turning red.
Needa looked at her wings and opened it wider and tried to set it on fire.
"Ouch," she said.

The white skull was glowing red now.
"If my wings are on full on flames, the skull might be my key!" She thought.

Needa inhaled and held her breath. Her wings stretched out as far as they could.
"1, 2, 3" Needa counted silently.
Then, she let out a loud yell, her wings were burning red and the skull became dark red.

Beep beep.

Needa made her flames hotter.
Beep, beep, beep, and beep.

The skull was now dark red and beeping fast. Then, it opened its mouth. Needa gasped.

"Demon recognized. Feathers made out of angel blood. Color: black. Height: 4"5. Eyes: brown. Hair: black. Right wing: Unnatural. Twin Core: positive. Location: On Earth." the skull talked like a robot.
"Twin core?" Needa said. "Griffin?!"
"Enter," the skull said.
The skull disappeared and the door opened. Needa walked in.

Twin core location: On Earth
Theskull's voice echoed in her ears.

"I knew it," she whispered. "Griffin's alive."
Her heart began to pound.
"My feathers know he's alive...but what is he doing on Earth?

"Needa?" William yelled at her.
"Professor," she began.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"Listen, Profeessor. I know I haven't been the brightest student and I dropped classes’ but-" Needa began.
"You want to come back to my class?" he asked
Needa nodded.
"Is it because of Griffin?"
Her cheeks quickly turned red.
The Professor sighed.
"Very well then," he said. "I'll try to fit you in my classes."
"Wait! No," Needa interrupted. "I only want to take your flight classes."
The Proffesor laughed.
"I don't think teaching you how to fly again will do anything about your wing, Needa." he explained. "You need Griffin"
"But it's been two years."
"Flight classes are for new demons. You aren't a new demon. The classes you should be taking are flame control."

Needa clenched her fists together. She hated Flaming Drozd, the Demon school for flight and powers more than anything. She wouldn't be doing this if it weren’t for Griffin.
Needa sighed.

"Fine," she thought.
Needa kneeled down and began to kiss
the Professor's feet.
"Please," she pleased. "I'll do anything. I'll come back to your classes again and this time pay attention. Just please teach me how to fly again,"
Professor William tried to shake her off of his feet.
"Stop it," he whispered. "Get up!"
"No, please! I promise!" Needa cried.

The Professor let out a deep breath.
"Alright, fine!" he yelled.
Needa quickly stood up and she had the biggest grin the Professor saw on a Demon's face.
A bigger grin than Paige's when the mortal Marina Griffin loved died.

He gave Needa a look.
The Proffesor pointed at her, "You must promise to complete all your flame work after this!"
"I promise! I promise!" she jumped.
The Professor nodded and opened his palms then a big fireball rose from it.

Needa's eyes grew wide, "Wow"
"If you didn't drop. You'd know how to do this," the professor said.
She watched the big fireball slowly turn into paper and the professor handed her the paper.

"This is your schedule for Flaming Drozd," the professor explained
Needa read the paper, she looked confused.
"I'm the only one in this class?" she asked.
"Yes," he replied. "Since you only want to take flying lessons and you're obviously too advanced for the new demons so I can't put you in there, can I?"
Needa bowed, "Thank You!"
"I'll see you at Flaming Drozd tomorrow. Don't be late!" the professor said.
"I won't!"

Needa turned around as she read her paper. She happily skipped while humming a tune.

"This will be fun!" she thought. "Can't wait!

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