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"And that is how you make someone fall in love with you," explained Professor William.
Paige raised her hand.
"Does it really work on everything and anyone?" she asked.
The Professor nodded.
"Love Curse," she thought. "Abusing the powers of the Goddess of love, Aphrodite." Paige chuckled to herself.
"You're not going to use that on Griffin! He's destined for Needa," Hannia said interrupting her thoughts.
"Don't be such a suck-up bitch to someone who can't even fly." said Paige.

"Class dismissed." said the Professor. Flaming Drozd quickly emptied.
"Maya!" the Professor called.
"What the fuck do you want now?" said Maya.
"Don't use the Love Curse on Griffin." he said.
Maya laughed as her wings bursted fire. Tears of laughter slowly filled her eyes.
"What makes you think I'm not over Griffin. He's dead! Two years he's been dead, I have a lot of boys that want me." said Maya as she crossed her arms.
The Professor nodded.

"Demons! Demons!" Cinthya yelled. "The Master has an announcement to make!"
The Demons formed a line as they flew to the Master's throne. They gasped in awe as they saw the Queen of the Angels standing by the Master.
"Master?" Hannia said.

The Master raised his hand.
"Before any of you demon shits ask why the Queen is here. I have a question for all of you!" he yelled.
The Demons were silent.
"Have you ever felt that the Goddess of the Skies treat you like shit?"
The Demons cheered.
"Do you want revenge on her?" the Master screamed.
The Demons cheers got louder.
"Then we will fight her!" the Master yelled.
"But, Master!" Cinthya interrupted, "We're not strong enough!"
The Demons went silent again waiting for an explanation from the Master.

The Master took a deep breath and pointed at the Queen.
"This Angel traveled to the Underworld to seek my help. They want revenge on the Goddess," he began. "We will join forces and fight the gods."
Whispers from the Demons filled the air.

"What the fuck?" Maya thought.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now