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I was so scared whether he still knows me or not, he hasn't said a word.
"Gr–Griffin?" I muttered. His black eyes were staring down at me, he opened his wings halfway black, halfway white. Icicles came out of his white wings and flame on his black wings, he stared at me like he was about to slaughter me.
I slowly stood up and backed away, he came after me and pinned me to the wall.
"Griffin!" I yelled, his eyes now burning red. "It's me!" Griffin's black wings grew hotter by the minute making it harder for me to breathe, his grip on my wrists getting tighter.
"Griffin! Let go!" I yelled. "Griffin! Please!"

It made it harder for me to breathe and he was just staring at me not doing anything, the flames from his wings suffocated me.
"Griffin," I said my voice was faint. "Plea–"
He suddenly let go of me and he turned around and fell to his knees letting out a loud scream. I coughed and wiped my face as I saw more ashes coming towards him, this time the ashes didn't just stand in one place and it wasn't glowing. Tears fell down my face as I watched the ashes go inside him, the other half of his wings slowly turned black. He let out a loud painful scream as the ashes channeled though his body, his skin absorbing every single ash. Griffin pressed his temples and stretched his wings, now fully black. As soon as all the ashes were inside him, he slowly stood up his legs were shaking.

"Griffin?" I asked softly. He turned to me, his eyes closed. I looked at him from head to toe, a tear fell off my face. He looks exactly like when I met him, I can feel his coldness protecting me from the heat. His hair as dark as the night and his wings were beautiful. So beautiful. So black.

He slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them, he pointed at me.
"L-Lexi?" his voice was cold. I cried and I threw myself around him.
"Griffin, you're back! You really are back!" I cried. He wrapped his arms around my waist making me shiver because of how cold he is.
"Lexi," he whispered. I looked at him as I wiped my tears off my face, he held my wrist and I pulled away. I can see sorrow in his eyes.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know what happened to me." he said.
"No no no, my hands are fine." I said as I pulled my sleeves, covering the marks of his hands on my wrist.
"You should get mad at me." he said as he looked down. I cupped his face and stood on my toes so that his eyes level on my eyes.
"No. The important thing is that you're back." I said. He smiled at me, his black eyes were glittering. I wrapped my arms around him and he pulled me in.

"I missed you and I'm glad you're back." I said. "My heart belongs to you," he whispered as his cold lips kissed my forehead.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now