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Tears started to fill my eyes and wiped them off. He’s alive! I tried to shake him and poke him and even kick him.

“Griffin!” I yelled. “Wake up! Wake up!”

He slowly opened his eyes and he stretched his wings. I touched his face he wasn’t freezing cold and he wasn’t burning hot either. In fact, he was warm. He managed to stand up and his eyes widened when he saw me. He threw his arms around me and felt down my back.

“Why do you have wings?” he asked. “I thought they’re gone.”

I slapped his head. “Wings?” I yelled. “You left me for two years and you ask me why do I have wings!”

“Calm down,” he said.

I smacked him again.

“Would you mind explaining me why you’re alive? I– I saw you turn to ashes!” I stammered.

Griffin raised his hand, “Relaaax.”

I smacked his hand.

“TWO YEARS!” I screamed. “TWO YEARS!”

“Calm down! I’m immortal!”

“And it took you two years to come back? Have you been hiding here?”

“Well, yeah.”

I punched his chest but it was hard, I almost broke my knuckles.

“You’ve been hiding here for two damn motherfucking years?”

His eyes widened.

Oh. I cursed. I don’t know what happened.

“I wasn’t hiding here for two damn motherfucking years,” he mocked me.

I crossed my arms.

“Then how long have you been here?”

“Um–” he stammered. “I really don’t know.”

“And your wings? Why are they white?”

He looked at his wings and shrugged his shoulders. “It has black on the tips.”

“And why are you warm?”

“I don’t know. Ask Hades.”


“I don’t know.”

“Give me some answers!”

“Okay, Lexi. I really don’t remember why I’m alive or why my wings are white. All Hades said is that I’m not yet myself yet.”


“I’m not really alive yet. I don’t think anyone can see me. Only you can see me.”

“Why is that?”

He raised his eyebrows. “I don’t know. Stop asking questions.”

“Well, are you just going to hide here forever?”

“No,” he began. “Hades gave me a mission.”

“What mission?”

He whistled.

“What mission?” I repeated.

He looked down. “Down there.”

“Underworld?” I asked.

“No,” he said then mumbled something.


He mumbled.

“Speak louder!”

“BARRIER!” he screamed.

My eyes widened… not the barrier.

“Y-you mean?” I stammered.

“Earth.” He began. “The barrier between heaven and the underworld.”


“I have to collect my ashes, that’s what Hades said.”

“I want to come with you.”

“It’ll be dangerous.”

“I don’t care. I told you I want to follow you everywhere.”

“Even the bathroom? Wow.” He joked.

I punched him.

He took my hand and together we jumped off the cloud and stretched our wings. His wings brushed against mine.

The feeling I had flying with him right now wasn’t exactly the same like when we flew together in the Underworld. I wasn’t even sure if he’s really Griffin or I’m just hallucinating.


But I’m not crazy. This is really happening.

I can’t be.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now