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Needa kicked on the ground to pick up some speed. She moved her wings up and down to exercise her right wing.

“Ugh,” Needa cried.

She fell on her back but she kept trying to fly again.

“I need to fly,” Needa thought to herself. “I need to.”

Needa kicked hard on the ground and blasted fire from her palms to get more speed. She flapped her wings harder and harder as she reached higher. She stretched her arms farther and farther. Her right wing ached, but she still pushed herself to fly.

“Needa, stop it!” Hannia yelled. “You’re gonna hurt yourself,”

Needa’s tears filled her face. She kept pushing herself to fly higher.

“Fly higher,” she thought. “Fly.”

Hannia kicked on the ground and reached for Needa.

“Let go of me!” Needa yelled.

Hannia grabbed her by her waist and held her tight.

“Stop this,” Hannia said. “Stop it.”

Hannia landed and kneeled and she took Needa’s head on her lap.

Hannia looked at Needa’s wing…her right wing had a lot of scars. She pressed hard and put pressure on it and Needa screamed.

“Do you see what you’re doing to yourself?!” Hannia yelled.

“I have to…” Needa tried to stand up but Hannia grabbed her shoulders.

“Stop!” Hannia screamed. “Stop it! You can’t fly!”

“I have to.” Needa began. “I can’t just live on relying on Griffin so I can fly. I have to teach myself to fly again.”

“Needa, you cant! Stop, please.” Hannia pleaded.

“I don’t know if he’s alive or not. If he is, I have to find him. My feathers tell me he’s alive. I have to learn.” Needa cried, “Let go of me.”

Hannia slowly let go of her and Needa kicked on the ground again forcing herself to fly.

Hannia gazed at Needa from above as Needa slowly tortured herself.

“But he’s not alive,” Hannia whispered.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now