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"Oh my god," I thought to myself. "He really is alive. I'm not crazy!" I pulled myself together and got up.
"Come to me," his faint voice echoed in my head. What does that mean? Where is he? I looked out the window again and I can still see the black wing waving at me.
"I need to get there," I thought. "But how?" I took my notebook and opened it to checklist page. I crossed out the first one, which was talking to Kayli because I know it's not getting me anywhere and I needed to make progress if I want to see Griffin again.

No. Not if. I want to see him again

I scanned through my checklist and skipped through some parts.
"Build a wing machine that will make me fly of some sort," it read. Yes! Wings. I need those to get to the clouds. I looked out the window again, I can still see those black wings there.
"Why are you hiding?" I thought. I sighed and looked in my mirror. I didn't really look good since he died.
"Now I know why they think I'm wrong in the head," I thought to myself. My red curly hair was so messy it looked like Maya's hair. The only difference is that hers was dirty but it was attractive to look at, mine wasn't. I touched my hair and felt my curly locks they were so rough. I scanned my face and my neck it was so dirty. I had faint scars every part of my face. I leaned in the mirror to get a better look of myself and examined my lips. Blood.
I laughed and thought of Griffin.
His lips were always bleeding, but he didn't seem to notice.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face and combed my hair. I wore a new dress and tidied myself up. I looked at the mirror again.
"I look great," I said. "At least, better than I was."

I sat at my bed and tried to think how on heavens am I supposed to build a wing machine.
"Think. Lexi, think!"
My thinking got interrupted when I heard a knock on the door.

"Knock, knock!" Kayli said, her squeaky voice annoyed me but she's just a child so I guess it's normal for her to have a squeaky voice? "Hey, come in!" I yelled. Kayli came in and she had a golden tray on her hands.
"Your food!" she said, "You must be starviiiing."
I looked at the tray: a glass of iced cocoa, two slices of angel cakes and about 5 star cookies.
"Yum!" I said. Kayli handed me the tray.
"Tell me when you're done so I can pick it up!" she cheered.
I nodded.

Kayli flew towards the door and before she left my room she closed her eyes and smiled. Sparkles from her fingers formed and she started to draw in the air.
"What is she doing?" I thought.
She stopped drawing in the air and blew on it. A Pegasus then appeared.
I dropped my jaw.

"H-how'd you do that?" I asked. "Where did that come from?"
The Pegasus circled around her.
"From my thoughts!" she said. "It's magic! You can do it too!" "What? How?" I stood up and stood by her. "Tell me,"
She pats the Pegasus and it neighed. She shrugged her shoulders.
"I don't know,” she said.
"Please?" I pleased.
Kayli let out a loud sigh.
"Fine!" she began, "You just have to think of your happiest thoughts and picture what you want to make then draw it in the air then blow on it."
Happiest thoughts.
"Well, don't tell anyone I told you that!" she said. Kayli cupped her hands on her mouth.
"It's supposed to be a secret," she whispered. "Well, bye now!" She skipped cheerfully with her Pegasus out my room.

"Happiest thoughts?" I asked myself. "Okay, get yourself together. Think of your happiest thoughts."
I closed my eyes and thought of the day I got my bow then I pictured in my mind a wing. I started to draw in the air and blew it after. I opened my eyes but nothing happened.

"The thought isn't happy enough," a voice whispered in my head.
"Uh– who's there?" I demanded but there was no answer.

I closed my eyes again and this time I thought of Griffin. I thought of when we took me out to fly, his black wings brushing against mine, his cold body protecting me from the heat and his cold lips pressing into mine. I felt my arm slowly rise as I drew a wing. I smiled as I thought of him kissing my neck, my arms, and my legs. I felt my arm drop and found myself blow then I heard wing flaps.

I opened my eyes. Beautiful white wings floating in front of me and it even had straps to put on my shoulders. I took it and wore it.
My heart began to pound and the hairs on my neck slowly rose. I stretched my arms and moved my shoulders. The wings opened and I started to fly.

"Perfect," I thought.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now