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It was almost noon when Griffin finally woke up, he stretched his arms and his wings and let out a loud yawn. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around him.
"Needa?" he called out.
There was no answer.
"Needa!" he yelled.
Still no answer. Griffin came down from the tree and searched all over the place for Needa.
"Needa! Needa!" he yelled louder and louder as he came in deeper in the woods. His heart began to pound and his head hurt.
"Where did she go? Why did she leave me?" Griffin thought.

His legs started to shake and chills came down from his spine, his heart beat became fast and he started to sweat. Griffin tried to remember what happened last night that may have caused Needa to run away, he thought. But he couldn't. No. It was all bullshit, he said to himself. He knew Needa wouldn't ever leave him, Griffin was aware how much Needa loved him and he knows she won't leave him just like that.

Or would she?

Griffin's whole world felt like it was going to crumble and fall apart. He fell to his knees and tears filled his face, he cupped his cheeks and wiped away his tears.

He missed Needa. He actually does miss her.

His heart rate grew, his heart beated faster and faster and faster. "AHHH!" Griffin yelled, his head pounding. "AHHHH!" He couldn't handle the pain, the sorrows, and the thought of Needa leaving him behind without a word.

Griffin began to cry and this time he cried loudly, he let it all out along with a loud scream. He felt his wings weaken and his flames turned blue. Griffin looked at his wings and tried to open and lift them up but they were too weak to even carry him.

He knew something was up...he knew Needa was in trouble. His feathers tell him she is, and she needs him. Now.

He managed to stand up, stretch his wings further. He took a deep breath and kicked hard on the ground and he was airborn.
"Needa," he whispered. "Where are y–" he couldn't feel his wings anymore, he looked at them and his left wing wasn't functioning properly. He fell from the sky and hit his head hard on the ground.

Griffin reached out for his wing and touched it and as soon as his fingertips touched his wing, it slowly turned to ash.
"NO!" he yelled as he distanced his fingers away from his wing, hoping not to touch it and not turn to ash but there was no use. Griffin's wings continued to turn to ash and his heart pounded even louder.

He closed his eyes so he didn't have to look at his wings slowly disappear turn to ash.
"Needa, I love you." he whispered, his eyes shut tight. Griffin's wings suddenly started stop turning to ashes, halfway.

"Open your eyes," a voice inside his head told him. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at his wings, his eyes widened by the sight he only had half of his wings.

What was that voice in is head?

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now