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“WHAT!” the King yelled.

“Someone took Lexi and froze Kayli. I tried to fight them but they were just too powerful,” Kelsey explained.

“Did anyone witness this?” the King asked.

“No,” Kelsey began. “I was walking with Lexi and everything just happened so quickly.”

The King touched Kayli. He can see feel her crying for help.

“I’ll avenge you,” the King whispered. He turned to Kelsey. “You can leave us alone now.”

Kelsey bowed and left.

The King doesn’t know what to do with Kayli. He has no powers to defreeze her…only a Demon can do that. He wrapped Kayli’s frozen body in a thick cloth and Kayli’s Pegasus wrapped her in her wings.

The Pegasus neighed.
“I know,” the King said. “She’ll be Ok. Warm her up.”

The King flew to the Throne and he saw the Queen still lying in the ground. He woke her up and tried to tell her what happened but she didn’t seem to care.

“Please,” the King pleaded. “I need you.” The King’s tears showered the Queen’s wings and her wings slowly rose as it glittered.

“Grains?” the King said.

The Queen’s wings slowly lifted her to her feet and she dried her tears away.

“Your majesty?” the King began.

Big chunks of ice started to form in the Queen’s wings. The King’s eyes dazzled as she looked at the Queen.

“Demons,” she whispered. “You’ll pay for this.”

The King flew towards the Queen, he noticed her brown eyes slowly turned icy blue. He reached out for her but she avoided his touch.

“Stay away from me,” the Queen demanded.
“No!” the King said. “We made a vow. I’ll stick to you whenever.”

The Queen blasted ice at the King.

“No!” she yelled and she flew outside the Throne.

The Queen rushed outside the Gates and the Angels stared at her with complete confusion.

“What’s wrong with her?” the Angels muttered. Jess peeked inside the Throne Room and saw the King lying in the ground.

“The King!” Jess yelled. Jess flew towards the King and helped him stand up but the King pushed her away.

“Get away from me!” the King said. He searched for the Queen.

“The Queen…” Jess began. “She left the Heavens.”

The King turned around and stared at the empty Throne. He flew towards it and dusted it off and sat.

“Um…King?” Jess stammered.

The King smirked.

“Summon all the Angels here.” He ordered.

“ALL ANGELS! TO THE THRONE ROOM!” Jess ordered. Then in a matter of seconds the Throne Room was full of Angels, all kinds of Angels cupids, messengers, and warriors.

The King looked at all the Angels in the room.

“Since the Queen has left the Heavens,” he thought. “I should be ruler now.”

“Listen!” he yelled. “As you have witnessed, the Queen left the Heavens and without our ruler we would perish from the evil. There must be someone who will takeover her Throne.”

“Where did the Queen go? Why did she leave?” an Angel asked.

The King raised his hand.

“It doesn’t matter where she went.” He stood up. “I’m your new ruler.” Gasps from all the Angels filled the air.

“What?” Jess yelled. “You can’t be our ruler. The Queen isn’t dead.”

“But she has left the Heavens. Someone must replace her!” the King defended. “Someone who’s in the right mind to rule over all of you Angels!”

Jess didn’t like the idea of the King suddenly replacing the Queen.

“Something happened here,” she thought. “Something big.” She looked behind her and wondered why the Queen left the Heavens.

“Jess,” Kelsey took her hand. “I’m scared. Why is he suddenly ruler?”

“I don’t know Kelsey.” Jess said. “But something’s up. I can feel it,”

Kelsey sighed and held on to Jess tighter.

 “Kelsey, I really don’t know what’s going on but first…like you said, Lexi has been kidnapped, Kayli turned to ice and now this. Just watch out.” Jess warned.

“About Lexi,” Kelsey began. “She really wasn’t kidnapped.”

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now