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"Get up!" the voice said. Griffin quickly stood up.
"Wh-who's there?" he asked but there was no answer. It was probably just his feathers talking to him again, he thought. He rubbed his eyes and pressed his temples, he still can't believe Needa left him. Griffin dusted off his pants and wiped his tears. He came back to the tree and tried to fly to it.

But he can't, he can't fly anymore with half of his wings gone. A light tear fell off his face and he quickly wiped it.
"No," he said. "I have to stay strong." He tried to climb the tree but he has never done it before, he was so used to using his wings all the time. He couldn't even hold on to one branch without falling back again. He kept trying and trying and trying, but everytime he tried he just fell and fell and fell. Griffin's hands started to ache and his bottom hurt, he wasn't the kind of Demon that gave up easily.
Griffin let out a deep breath.
"How do the humans do this?" he wondered. Everything seemed so hard without wings.

Without wings.

Griffin closed his eyes again as his head began to ache. He saw a picture of a girl with long wavy red hair without wings.
"Do I know her?" he thought, she looked mortal but she didn't seem mortal. His heart began to pound and he held his chest. He can feel his heart jumping.
"Wh-what is this?" he said as he opened his eyes again getting rid of the picture of a girl.
"Wh-who was that?" he muttered. She didn't seem important but Griffin hated how she is familiar but he can't remember why.

He sat down and hid his face between his knees, the wind blew his hair and he opened his wings to warm him up. Griffin tried to set his wings on fire but the fire was light and blue and the ind blew it off. Tears started to fill his face and as his heart began to pound louder and louder and his head hurt and hurt, his remaining wings slowly turned to ashes.

"Needa," he whispered. "I need you. I need you." his voice started to faint as his wings disappear and turn to ashes. The wind was freezing cold and he didn't have his wings anymore to warm him up. His whole body was shaking and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Griffin had goosebumps all over. His tears started to turn to ash and soon enough he was turning to ash.

"Needa, I need you." the last words came out of his mouth as he disappeared and completely turned to ash, the wind blowing them away.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now