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Adrian didn't want to remember. It's been more than a decade since the Goddess erased his memories. He never told anyone that he had managed to block the Goddess's powers, his wings were as strong as steel and nothing can penetrate through it.
Why did she even show up in the Underworld, his head started to ache.

It's dangerous. Has she not learned anything? They've tried to fight for their love once but all that happened to them is he got banished from the Heavens. Your life is perfect there in the Heavens already, he thought. Why would you want to be here? You're destroying everything.

Adrian pressed his temples and continued to tap on his armrest. He knew what to do.
At least he thinks he knows what he needs to do:

1. Take Grains back to the Heaven and get her safe.
2. Talk to Grains for the Demons and Angels to team up and revenge on the Goddess for what she has done.

The Master knew it well that both options threatened the Queen's safety, and that's all he ever cared about. The only reason why he tried to hide his memories and burn them away so that Grains won't have to go to the same pain he did. He killed Marina so that his son won't have to go to same pain he did.

He shook his head and clenched his fists together as he slowly opened his eyes.
He smirked.

"Revenge," he whispered.

Demons and Angels: The Queen's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now