The Big 2-0th

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"My brother is reaching his twenties, I can't believe it." Josh flinched as his older brother Eric, clasped a hand on his shoulder.

Josh couldn't believe it himself, the concept of him being two decades old.

"Next up is drinking." Eric joked, making a drunk gesture to the young adult.

"Okay knock it off Eric." Josh said, walking away while Eric trailed behind with a confused look on his face.

"Hey, people love turning twenty!" Eric said, reminiscing about his own young college life. Josh groaned with frustration because no one understood how he was feeling, except Maya. The thing was that she was the actual problem.

"Not when they have a reason to not want to." Josh muttered, staring at the wall of his dorm room.

"It's Moesha isn't it?" Eric whispered, wide eyed and quiet. Josh blushed and immediately shook his head, lying to his brother, but not fooling himself.

Eric smiled and made a small chuckle.

"Tsk. Tsk. Don't lie Josh." Eric said, circling him suspiciously, while Josh buried his face in his palms and sighed. There was no point in lying. Cory told Eric everything about Josh so it was surprise that Eric knew what was going on.

"She's already seventeen?" Eric asked, oddly rubbing his chin as if he needed to for his thinking process. Josh stared at his goof ball brother and didn't respond.

"She'll be eighteen one day, and by that point you'll realize you never drifted that far." Eric said, grabbing Josh's attention.

"Wow, thanks Eric." Josh said, giving a genuine smile.

"No problem, I'm rooting for you and Mary anyway." Eric replied with a wink.

Josh grinned and laughed at his brother's kookiness. Maya Hart was so close, and this time he really believed it.

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