1. Dallon Doesn't like Pussy (Kinda, Anway)

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Got like 11 votes but I don't care because I'm really excited to write this (:

So many people commented about brallon in TSUGGC and I thought that they would all read but I guess not. Oh well. HELLO MY WONDERFUL 11 READERS!!

"You're acting as if you're about to meet fucking Obama

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"You're acting as if you're about to meet fucking Obama. Ryan, Chill. You're going on a Date, with a guy, it's nothing to get worried about."Dallon stresses, hearing the worries rants and rambles of his friend for the past hour as he tried to get himself through his last hour of work without stabbing himself to death with a guitar pick. Ryan was seriously not helping his case.

It's not as if Dallon hates his job, well okay that's a lie, but he could have source jobs in the world, which is truth. It was more the shifts that he was stuck on, the costumes that made their way into the store on a basis and the staff he's stuck on with - As much as Ryan is his best friend and all, he makes Dallon want to stick a drum stick in his eye.

But it paid enough to help with the bills, and to cater for his own needs at least. It also gave him discounts which was handy enough when you actually have an interest in music and play an instrument. As he said, it could be worse.

Ryan looks up in alert, looking almost offended that Dallon has chosen to tell him to 'chill' as if it's the most offensive thing to tell a guy who is nervous about going on a date, and in Ryan's case, it is because he's not the kind of guy that goes on dates, Dallon knows this. Ryan is more the kind of guy that stays at home and rewatches Netflix series on weekends with 10 dollars in his bank account and two friends to his name, one of them being his dog.

"Don't look at me like that."Dallon waves a hand over in Ryan's direction, purposely not looking his way because he knows he'll be hit with the infamous puppy dog eyes that Dallon will be roped into."You've been on dates before."

"Uhhhh..."Ryan trails off, trying to think back to his last proper date."I've been on Dog dates?"

"Going to the park and meeting up with other people with dogs is not a date."Dallon rolls his eyes."As much as Hobo is an adorable dog, she doesn't count as a date."

Dallon looks hopefully at his watch, as much as he wants to stay with Ryan and chat about his dreadful lovelife - not as if his is any better but whatever - his shift is coming to an end and he'd rather be on his way home before the street lamps start to flicker on.

He looks over at the one costumer left in the store, silently pleading that she finds what she's looking for soon or gets out because Dallon isn't staying here any longer than he should, nor does to trust Ryan to do the lock up.

"I'm so fucked."Ryan slumps his body over the glass counter with a loud groan, followed by the obvious sound of him hitting his head against the counter in frustration."I'm just a socially awkward adult with crippling anxiety who can't even hold up a conversation, nevermind go on a date with someone."

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