55. Dallon was blessed with good patience

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1 comment = 1 prayer for Dallon Weekes

Hey guys, I know it's been over a mon since I've last updated, and I possibly broke a promise with saying I'd update in 2 weeks if I got 30 comments, and I'm sorry about that. I've had a lot on my plate recently, from coursework, exams, changing jobs and my general mental health, it's been pretty hectic.

But Christmas is approaching and therefore, winter break is just around the corner. During this time, I will have this finished and book 2 will be published very very shortly. Christmas is in like 4 fucking days and I'm not even in the Christmas mood wtf is wrong me with.

For now, let's get this book finished, shall we? And what's better than some little Brendon (;

Waking up to the sound of giggling, no matter what time of day that is it, is never a good sign when you're a Daddy and you have a little living in your house. It's as bad as quietness, when you're cooking food in the kitchen and one second there's chattering from the living room and the next there's a dead silence, only to find out that you know how have a mural of a purple dog in the hand of 3 year old on your freshly painted walls.

Giggling is just as bad, because giggling can mean anything from straight up torture to destruction that honestly, Dallon wouldn't be surprised to wake up to. Brendon is so boisterous, snarky, sassy, up to do anything as long as he gains the attention that he wants. It wouldn't be the first time for Dallon to wake up to a flooded bathroom or a broken vase all because Brendon was craving the need for a cry and a cuddle.

But, dallon can't deny the fact that Brendon's laugh is Dallons favourite sound in the world. And it's not just the laugh, but the way his whole face seems to laugh with him, mouth open, lips turned up, cheeks lifted and the corner of his eyes crinkling and it's just so beautiful for it all to unfold before his eyes. He's never seen anyone to laugh so beautifully as Brendon, he's never seen anymore as beautiful as Brendon.

"What are you doing?"Half of Dallons face is still pressed into the cold side of his pillow, without a blanket covering him because Brendon is a blanket hog and dallon has just learned to deal with the coldness that is not having a blanket to sleep with at night.

"Daddy shhhh!"Brendon is bouncing on the bed, cladded in just his boxers and nothing more, the thick bed covers that had once been wrapped tightly around the hybrid now pooled at his waist, fully exposed. There was nothing to really expose in the first place, Dallon has seen Brendon naked more times than he can count and just for the little to be wearing at least boxers, seems to be some type of godly blessing.

"Brendon-?"Dallon grumbles in confusion, sitting up onto his elbow and prying his eyes open, stuck together with sleep and tempted to close again. It can't be that late into the day and Dallon wouldn't be surprised if it happened to be close to 9 in the morning seeing as Brendon has a habit of waking up early no matter how long he has had to sleep.

"Daddy, go back to sleep! I'm trying to watch!"Brendon's voice comes out high when annoyed, hands batting in his Daddy's direction to try and shut the man up, followed by a strung out shhhhhhh! sound when Dallon goes to open his mouth to speak.

The bedroom television has been switched onto one of the music channels, a throwback hour and it takes a couple of moments for Dallon to recognise the music video, bad hair, bad style and garage band style production and he can practically feel his entire body cringe. Not only does the video quality look so bad but Dallon himself looks so fucking bad and he can't believe that MTV dug this disastrous video up out of its grave.

"Get it off now!"

"Noo! Daddy don't turn it off!"Brendon jumps to try a grab the television remote off of his Daddy, landing on top of the man just as the television is switched off and the remote is chucked across the room."Why did you do that?"

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