18. Panic! At The SuperMarket

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I keep getting these new ideas and I kinda want to make a new book but it's P!ATD at Hogwarts idk, I'd love to do something like that because I think I'd have loads of awesome ideas to do towards it.

This starts with so much fluff bc you can never have enough fluff, and my god I mean it's tooth aching and adorable that it makes me gurn.

Also! Thank you for 750 comments! And I apologise again for this update before so late, I feel so ill and tired at the moment that it's just so hard for me to update.

Also! Thank you for 750 comments! And I apologise again for this update before so late, I feel so ill and tired at the moment that it's just so hard for me to update

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"And can we get ice cream?"

"Yes, we can get ice cream."

"And Waffles?"

"Yes, Brendon."

"And Ice cream?"

"Baby, I already said you can get ice cream."Dallon chuckles, turning into the supermarket carpark with a gentle ease. Brendon is buckled into the passenger seat, kicking his feet in excitement with the prospect of going food shopping with his Daddy, he loves spending time with Daddy and he's never really been in a supermarket before so this is going to be a new experience for the Hybrid.

Brendon has Santra cuddled to his chest, begging his Daddy to allow him to bring the stuffed giraffe and to avoid the temper tantrum that Dallon knew was brewing, allowing the Hybrid as long as Brendon had promised to leave him in the car while they were shopping. Losing Santra would be a nightmare that Dallon doesn't want to deal with.

"But it's a different kind of ice cream this time, Daddy."Brendon declares, his kitten ears twitching in his hair whenever a car honks its horn. He was getting better with loud, unexpected noises. Of course certain noises still made him flinch or whimper but he was getting better, and Dallon couldn't be more proud.

"What makes you think you're getting two tubs of ice cream? Only good boys get two tubs of ice cream."Dallon teases halfheartedly, laughing whenever Brendon whines and pouts.

"But I am a good boy, Daddy! A really really good boy!"

"Okay, Okay. Calm Down, Peanut."Dallon soothes whenever he notices the tone in Brendons voice as he tries to prove how much of a good boy that he is."I know that you are an excellent little boy, and you can have all the ice cream you want."

"Thank you, Daddy."Brendon beams, a soft brush sprinkled over his cheeks as he tries to hide behind his stuffed giraffe. Pulling into a free spot, Dallon shuts off the car and reaches over to unbuckle Brendon from his seat belt, pressing a kiss to Brendons warm cheek whenever he does, something that causes Brendon to blush further.

"Adorable."Dallon breathes with a smile, unbuckling Brendon and sitting back."Now, what are the rules for when we're shopping?"

"To get ice cream?"

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