4. Cooking with Brendon!

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I have over 100 comments! Thank you guys so much! I love all of your comments, they make my day. 20 comments please?

I'm going to fail all of my exams so I'm just gonna drop out of school and look for a sugar daddy or mommy because what else is there to do. Anyway! Here's another update because I'm so nice and because I love to write for this.

I low-key didn't like the way this came out

Dallon has to kick himself in the ass for being such a good person, because as much as he doesn't want the Hybrid - Brendon as he now knows is called, and while we're on the subject; Who the fuck calls their cat Brendon? - to be stuck out in a thu...

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Dallon has to kick himself in the ass for being such a good person, because as much as he doesn't want the Hybrid - Brendon as he now knows is called, and while we're on the subject; Who the fuck calls their cat Brendon? - to be stuck out in a thunderstorm, he'd rather not have him be sleeping in his livingroom curled around a radiator.

You never know what way a Hybrid has been trained or not trained. They could be badly trained, taught to thieve for their owners and be the one caught in the act, or they would be trained correctly to be polite and obedient. It all depended on the owner, Dallon knows from the way Ryan talks about Tyler, a friend of his which owns a Hybrid of his own.

Dallon doesn't know Brendon enough to know of what his last owner or owners trained or treated him, and as much as he wants to know the story behind the whole 'You never said I could speak' and calling Dallon Sir, Dallon doesn't want to know anyone of the Hybrids life than what he already does. He just wants to get him back to his owner and out of his hands.

There's a feeling deep inside that tells Dallon not to give Brendon back, he hasn't missed the way that Brendon had frowned and his ears had lowered at the mention of going home to his owner. Maybe it's just due to Brendon being a trouble maker, a wonderer if anything, and he knows that he's gong to be punished. Dallon hopes not, as much as it isn't good to be disappearing, his owner shouldn't at least has a collar on him.

Rubbing at his eyes, Dallon almost forgets that Brendon is sleeping in his living room as he descends the stairs onto the main floor in search for his morning cup of coffee and a bowl of whatever type of cereal he has stashed in his cupboards. Come to think of it, it looks like he needs to go food shopping, goddamnit, that means he has to leave the house.

"What the-"He cuts himself off, eyes landing on the mess that he calls his kitchen with cornflakes tipped onto the floor and milk spilt over the counters and dripping down the cupboards. There's a broken mug laying on the floor, accompanied by coffee surrounding the shards and a kettle over boiled on the counter.

There's been an obvious attempt of a clean up, with towels and kitchen roll scrunched up and placed over the split areas some of the shards piled into a little pile in an attempt to thrown it away before Dallon can notice.

"Brendon!"Dallon ends up shouting, looking around the kitchen in search for the Hybrid who has made this mess."You damn cat-"

"I'm sorry! I tried to tidy it up! I swear, sir!"Dallon can hear Brendons voice muffled somewhere in the kitchen, followed by a pathetic sounding whimper.

"Where are you hiding?"

"M'not hiding."

"Then where are you?"

"You're mad so I'm not telling you."

"I'm not mad,"Dallon tries to say in a tone that doesn't come across as angry but it fails because it's 7 in the morning and Dallon shouldn't even be acknowledging that the world exists never mind have to deal with a chaotic Hybrid that has seemed to trash his kitchen and then proceeds to give him cheek.

"Well you sound mad, sir."The Hybrid whimpers, although his tone carries a sort of childish mockery to it. In that second, Dallon can spot the silky cat tail that swishes against the tiled kitchen flooring, a body squeezed under the Space of Dallons small kitchen table.

Taking a deep breath, Dallon closes his eyes and rubs a large hand over his face in a sort of fatigue and frustration.

"Brendon, come out from under the Table and talk to me please. I'm not mad at you."He tries to empathise the word Not because because isn't mad per say, pissed off yeah, but he's not mad or angry.

There's a moment of hesitation before Dallon can spot the Hybrid crawl his way out from under the kitchen table, seating himself just a couple of feet away from the pile of broken china shards that remain laying on the floor with his hands suspiciously behind his back. The same look of fear is shown in his beautiful brown eyes, cat ears lowered into his hair and the cut on his cheek looking a lot worse than yesterday.

"Can you explain to me what you were doing in my cupboards and what this mess is about."

"I was just trying to be nice and make you something for breakfast, sir. But I accidentally spilt the milk and then slipped on it whenever I was pouring cereal and then when I went to make you coffee the thing with the water-"

"- the kettle -"

"- yes, that, went off and it scared me! And I dropped the cup and I didn't mean it, sir! I was just trying to show my gratitude, sir. Please don't punish me."He looks at Dallon with wide, innocent like eyes, pleading not to be punished.

Dallon lets out a frustrated groan, moving his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose at the ridiculously of the whole situation. This Hybrid is honestly going to give him a fucking brain aneurism by the time that Dallon gets rid of him.

"Let me see your hands, Brendon."Dallon orders, deciding to take a completely different approach to the whole situation. It's not his place to shout at Brendon and it's defiantly isn't his to be punishing the small Hybrid. Instead, he steps over the shards in his novelty Doctor Who themed slippers and crouches in front of the Hybrid.

"No."Brendon says defensively, a pout appearing on his lips.

"Brendon, let me see your hands."He tries again, using a more authority withered voice than before, one that makes Brendons ears stand to attention. Hesitantly, Brendon is bringing his hands out from behind his back and allowing them to be turned over by Dallon, not looking at the human.

There's a slice made diagonally down Brendons left hand, blood smeared into the skin and looking a painful red. The Hybrid hisses whenever Dallon accidentally touches around the cut, followed by a pained whimper.

"Lets get this cleaned up, as well as the cut on your cheek, alright? I'll clean up this mess and then we'll get you home, okay?"Dallon says gently, looking directly at Brendon in search for any reaction out of the Hybrid, instead, Brendon reverses back to quietness and just obediently does what Dallon says.

This was a lot shorter than the other one but as I said, quick updates (:

I will be doing a time skip thingy soon, I'm trying to build up something between Dallon and Brendon first (:

Please tell me your opinions!

Do you think Dallon will actually phone for someone to take Brendon away?

Any idea why Brendon doesn't like his other owner?

Any other ships?



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