24. Medicine Problems (Dallon is just as bad as Brendon)

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Finding time to write is so difficult, and then when I DO have time to write I'm too exhausted to actually sit down and type without getting distracted by the stupidest of things and giving up.

Anyway, here is more adorable Brallon

This is shorter than normal but I think it's better that it is

It's about like the middle of April in his fic at the moment, meaning that they've been living together for about 4 months?

It's about like the middle of April in his fic at the moment, meaning that they've been living together for about 4 months?

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"Baby, I know how much you want you're morning Sippy but you can't, it'll just make your tummy more poorly."Dallon tries to explain to the overly tired little who is following Dallon around the kitchen, dressed in his soft footise pyjamas and a duvet wrapped around his shoulders, whining at his Daddy for his Sippy of milk that he usually gets every morning but his daddy won't allow him to have.

They've been up since 5 this morning, with Brendon waking up once again to throw up - luckily in the bucket that Dallon had remembered to put beside the bed- and in too much of a state to fall back to sleep after that. So with reluctancy, Dallon had changed the little into a new set of pyjamas since his previous was soaked in sweat, and bundled the little up so that the two them could cuddle on the couch downstairs with their thick warm duvet.

Brendon and Dallon both had managed to get at least another hour of sleep while on the sofa, with Brendon falling asleep with the gentle rhythm of Dallons heart beat and the fingers that comes through his hair, and Dallon asleep to the soft purrs that Brendon had made. Their sleep would've went undisturbed if it wasn't for Brendon waking up with a massive migraine that caused the little into hysterics due to the pain.

It had taken Dallon over an hour to calm Brendon down, rocking him softly on the sofa and even after he had cleared away Brendon's tears and gave him a dose of Little safe pain killers - that he checked was okay along with his sickness medication - Brendon remained clingy and sniffly, even in his sick state he followed Dallon around the house.

"But I want!"Brendon sniffles stubbornly, rubbing his cheek against the soft, nice smelling material of the duvet cover that he has draped over his shoulders.

"Peanut, how about you lay down and watch some Disney in the living room, yeah? You're poorly and you should be all cuddled up, not worrying about what Daddy is doing."Because as much as he adores Brendon and usually finds it adorable to have a little shadow, Brendon is seriously sick and shouldn't be up and about like he is, and it'd calm Dallons nerves as well if he knew that Brendon was relaxing and getting better.

"Wan' sippy and ice cream."The hybrid pouts instead, his ears twitching in his hair as he looks at his Daddy who runs his fingers through his hair, tired himself.

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