54. Grumpy, Sleepy and all the other seven personalities

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I have to say when there's a promise of a quicker update, y'all are dedicated. And as I say, it's WITHIN TWO WEEKS.

It's the start of October at this point in the fic, which means that Brendon and Dallon have been living together for 10 months. And damn, it feels so much longer than that but it's just because I've been writing this like day by day or week by week.

30 comments for the next chapter and I'll update within 2 weeks again!

I am working on the epilogue at the moment, I had a plan on how to end this book which would connect to the second book, but I realise that it would be rushing through so I need to think of something else. Ahhhh keep your eyes open!!

This is a bit slow and sad but please keep with me!

When Dallon returns home that night, the house is weirdly quiet

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When Dallon returns home that night, the house is weirdly quiet. Not that that's the weird thing, seeing as it is closing in to 1 in the morning by the time that Dallon had left the slowly thinning crowd of a fine mixture from admires to his manger to his back up group. It's the fact that the house is never quiet is the unnerving part of walking into a quiet house, because it could be 1 in the morning or 1 in the afternoon but there is always some type of noise is their tiny little home.

It wouldn't be the first time that Dallon has walked in after a long shift at the music store to find Brendon curled up on the sofa with the television still on, blasting sounds at a high volume because the hybrid always seems to fall asleep on the remote but never wake up from the noise. Or for Brendon to be sprawled out in their bed with a CD playing softly from Dallons old CD player because sometimes Brendon can't sleep without noise.

And it's true, to a point, because Brendon has gotten use to Dallons uneven snoring and the way that when he turns from his back to the side that he sometimes lets out a grunt in his sleep. As much as Brendon had loathed the noises that Dallon made in his sleep at the start, it's what helped him sleep now because it was always a reassurance that he was still there, octopus limbs and sleeping snorts, protecting him from the big bad world.

Locking the door behind him, Dallon shrugs off his coat and blazer, hanging it up in the hallway before walking down the hall, peering his head around the corner into the living room in case Brendon fell asleep there whenever he came in. He puts away the celebratory cake that he got for Brendon in he fridge before heading upstairs.

"Brendon, Baby?"Dallon calls, opening their bedroom door and fully excepting to see his boyfriend curled in their bed with the covers wrapped tightly around him because everyone knows that Brendon is a blanket hog. But instead, the bed remains as untouched as it was that evening when they left for the Release Party, the only thing that has changed is that Sinatra is no longer sitting in the centre of the bed.

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