34. 'The L Word'

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Also! When I do finish this, I'm thinking of writing just a small little spin off with little!Pete. Would anyone be interested in that bc I'm really interested in writing that!

Lmao I have no regrets, I've already pre-ordered FOB's new album whether it's shit or not, I'm dedicated af

Annnnnnd if you have an Instagram, I'm trying to start a fan account on insta! My username is @BubbleButtBeebo and I hope you follow! I'm trying to at least get to 20 followers!

This entire chapter hurt to write, I ain't gonna lie. So more tissues maybe??

"Brendon, we seriously don't have time to play hide and seek!"Dallon voices is annoyance just as the 10 minute mark ticks by on Dallons watch

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"Brendon, we seriously don't have time to play hide and seek!"Dallon voices is annoyance just as the 10 minute mark ticks by on Dallons watch. It's one of those rare occasions that Dallon has the bring the kitten hybrid with him to work, only because Josh and Tyler are out of town and because Pete is working at subway today. And it's not like Dallon can afford to take any more days of work either, money is running low and it's difficult to pay for so many things now that there's two people in the house.

It's not like Dallon will be staying in his job for long, soon enough he'll hear back from the music agency and hopefully - hopefully - his demo will be accepted. As much as Dallon doubts himself a lot of the time when it comes to his own singing, he knows that he's good enough to go solo, and at one stage after his band fell apart, he was solo and he enjoyed the hell out of playing his songs live.

It would also provide him with more than enough money for him and Brendon which is all Dallon hopes for out of this, as well as recognition. He wants to be able to buy Brendon all of the clothes and stuffies that he wants, and take him out to the cinema or out and about, or maybe even on holiday in the future. But with the bank account that Dallon currently has, none of that seems possible at the moment.

"Baby, come out come out wherever you are."Dallon decides to play along if it manages to get Brendon out of his hidding spot quicker. His voice is full of playfulness, masking his annoyance because if he's late to work he's going to get a yelling from Ryan - the fucking dick got made supervisor last week and is wearing it like a badge of honour - and that's something Dallon isn't going to stand for.

Another thing. Things have been...awkward. In a way. And when Dallon says that, it's mostly coming from his side of things because Dallon had failed to reply to Brendon's dropping of 'The L Word' last week and it was a still hanging negative over his head since. The hybrid had seemed to shrug it off like it hadn't happened, and in a way, that just made Dallon more and more frustrated and upset with himself that he failed to give back the same affection that Brendon had thrust upon him.

Because it isn't like Dallon doesn't have feelings for Brendon, he thinks that he has established enough that Brendon has now wiggled his way into his heart, but dropping 'The L Word' into his lap was unexpected, and unnecessary in a way.

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