14. Piano Playing, Concerned friends and Brendon Being Brendon

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My wonderful readers! I have published my new Ryan/Dallon/Brendon book with little!Dallon, Top!Ryan and Switch!Brendon and it would make me so happy for you to check it out and read! I know not many will, but I hope that the people that said they would will! It's called 'Little Prince' (:

I wonder if I can get 25 comments in this chapter? That's get me to 600 comments!

I wonder if I can get 25 comments in this chapter? That's get me to 600 comments!

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"You brought him with you?"

"Well I couldn't leave him in the house, Ryan!"

"And why not?"

"Because he near crapped himself when I left to get a shower! That's why!"Dallon throws his arms up in the air, his voice a hushed shout as they mate at each other over the glass counter of the music store. As much as Dallon hates the fact he has to drag Brendon out of the house to accompany him to work, he has had no other choice and he doesn't want to leave the Hybrid on his own for that long of a time.

It's nearing two weeks now that Brendon has been living with Dallon, and as much as Dallon would like to say that he has kept his distance and not gotten attached, he would be down right lying because he has gotten attached. And so has Brendon, it was obvious now when Dallon would make sure Brendon is tucked into bed at night and wake up to the Hybrid curled behind his back, or to have him mewling outside of the bathroom door every time Dallon went for a shower.

As much as Brendon is a darling - because he is, Dallon can't get enough of the Hybrids curiosity and adorableness - it's starting to get a little annoying that he still remains in his care and not with anyone else. Dallon had expected Brendon to stay for the maximum of a week, and now, he still remains living under his roof.

Staying in his little headspace didn't last long, with Brendon bouncing out of it by the third day and remaining embarrassed and excluded from Dallon for 2 days after. He'd been embarrassed that he allowed himself to sink into his little headspace around Dallon, especially since he hadn't know much of the man and you never knew what could've happened if it was anyone but Dallon, Dallon wouldn't hurt him.

"Dallon, he can't stay here."Ryan stresses, casting a glance at the Hybrid who is curiously having a look at the piano on the other side of the store, out of reach of hearing their conversation.

"And why not? You've been around him, he doesn't do no harm."Dallon says defensively, although his tone holds sweetness to it, following Ryan's gaze to look over at Brendon. The Hybrid is dressed in a pair of Hybrid made jeans, accompanied with a soft blue jumper that falls over his thighs and a pair of vans. His tail sways behind him as he leans forward to have a look at the keyboard.

"We aren't the only people working here, Dallon. And you know yourself that not everyone is okay with Hybrids."Ryan holds the urge to point any fingers. Dallon groans, banging his head off of the glass table in frustration because in a way, Ryan is right. Not everyone is okay with Hybrids and just weeks ago, Dallon wasn't completely okay with them either.

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