50. Abandoment issues, Cocktails and Head

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Well hello there chapter 50! If you made this far, well done!

I told myself that I would write a much shorter chapter but here it is at like 3000 words tf, but I don't know where my motivation for writing has went, I'm living up my last days of freedom before the wrath of A-levels drags me into a life of non-socialisation and I've had a 2 day hang over.

But here I am, with a chapter that I hope everyone is okay with and will enjoy in one way or another (;

August ends in 1 day and here I am, gathering Halloween lockscreens and REALLY FUCKING PUMPED FOR HALLOWEEN BITCHES

Favourite song from AFYCSO: Camisado or It's better when we do

The atmosphere after the concert is beyond buzzing with excitement, well after it has finished and the band has gotten off the stage

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The atmosphere after the concert is beyond buzzing with excitement, well after it has finished and the band has gotten off the stage. Dallon is overwhelmed with the amount of praise and applause that he had been gifted with as he finished up, and even further with the chants of an encore. It's been so long since he has been on the stage that Dallon has forgotten just how amazing it feels to have a whole audience captured by your ability to play an instrument and sing a tune.

Having Brendon jump into his arms backstage is a bonus, especially with how warm and flushed that Brendon feels under his trembling hands, how open and passionate that his lips are as they work against his in a desperate sort of way of showing Dallon just how proud that he was of him. It's brilliant, it's different and Dallon is keen on pulling Brendon back into his body, slotting in perfectly, as he works kisses up his neck, across his jaw and back to those beautiful pretty plump lips.

Pete, Ryan, Tyler and Josh are all waiting for them whenever they finally return, all tasseled messy hair and kiss bitten lips, bottles of beer being shoved into their hands and pats on the backs being given to the star of the night. Dallons face is a roaring red from all of the praise and attention and Brendon can't help himself from his own coos that leave his mouth at how flustered his boyfriend looks.

"Are you sure you can handle that? How many have you had?"Dallon is asking, watching as Brendon brings the lip of the beer to his lips, holding it around the neck of the glass bottle with an inexperienced grip. It's an odd sight by a mile, especially with how Dallon has been spending so long making sure that Brendon doesn't drink whenever he's little.

"Dallon, I'm not a baby."

"You're my baby."He points out, giving Brendon a look that's met with an equally as annoyed from Brendon, the hybrid narrowing his eyes at the human as if daring him to say something else.

"Not tonight, I'm not. Tonight, I'm your boyfriend and tonight I'm having a drink with my friends. That good with you?"And Dallon has a funny feeling that it's a rhetorical question being asked because no matter if Dallon thinks it's a good idea or not if Brendon has a couple of beers, Brendon is going to do whatever he wants.

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