2. Dallon Weekes: Hater of Cats, Lover of Mac N' Cheese

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Im keeping these relatively short to start off with, building up to everything but if they're short it means it's easier for me to write and update (:

I have over 15 thousand photo graphs on my iPad. I gotta delete some of them holy shit

Dallon is never more relieved to enter his home without furthermore embarrassment, slamming the front door closed and bolting it to a lock, his body slumped against the door in fatigue. Tiredly, he's shrugging his coat off and throwing it onto the coat hanger, toeing off his worn down converse and sighing in relief whenever he realises that the heating is still working.

He's never more glad to know that he's off work for the following 5 days, meaning he doesn't need to leave the comfort of his home until he seriously needs to. It also gives him some time to put some pen to paper and think through some new songs for his makeshift album. He's still in the works of getting a demo done to send off to some music agencies, but he's getting there, don't worry.

As much as he doesn't want to admit it, but seeing that hybrid freaked him out, a bit anyway. It's not as of Hybrids aren't a thing, they are, Dallon has seen them on Television, Ryan shows him videos of his friends Hybrid all of the time and on some occasions there has been some that come into the store with their so called Owners as Dallon only knows what to call them.

It's just weird, in a sort of trying not to offend type of way. It's not naturally, science has gone too far with the experimenting, the breeding and it's just wrong in Dallon opinion. But he doesn't blame the Hybrids, it isn't their fault, They're just a pawn in a scientific plan but that doesn't mean that Dallon is okay with them, because he's not. Sorta, anyway.

"I swear, if it's that damn cat-"Dallon mutters under his breath whenever the door behind him is knocked gently on in an odd rhythm. Cautiously, he looks through the peephole, groaning whenever he realises that it is indeed the cat Hybrid who has followed him home from work after tripping over him."Go away! I don't like Cats!"

He can hear a muffled Meow come from the other side of the door, followed by more polite knocking.

"Leave! You're not going to get a new home here."He groans in frustration, hoping the hybrid gets the point.


"I swear, I'll get the hose."

The Hybrids ears twitch, staring at the door in a sort of confusion because what in the hell was a hose? Is he supposed to be afraid of Hoses? So instead he knocks again, the head tilt back at full force as he waits patiently for a solid minute. Dallon hopes that the hybrid gets the hint and clears off, find another human to stalk down or maybe get picked up by a charity organisation.

Instead, The Hybrid starts to knock again.

"Maybe he'll go away."Dallon mutters to himself, backing away from the door to head for a long shower.


A shower seems to fix everything, especially after a long day of work and in need of urgent relaxation. Dallon had stayed under the hot spray until his skin had turned a shade pink and he couldn't stand the heat any more, the bathroom clouded in a cloak of steam and bathroom mirror fogged up. He ends up drawing a smiley face on the mirror before he leaves the bathroom, because why not?

He argues with himself whether he should head straight to sleep or get something to eat first, his need for hunger coming first as he throws on a pair of snug fitting Pyjama bottoms and a hoodie that was left on his bedroom floor before making his way down the stairs to the kitchen to attempt to make himself food.

He ends up with a bowl of Mac N' Cheese, a packet he had found in the very back of his cupboard that he didn't even know that he had but he's glad that he does. It's not as if he can't cook, he can, within reason because he's no Ina Garten or Gordon Ramsay but he won't starve. He just can't be bothered with cooking something extraordinary, nor the patience.

"I underestimated how good Mac N' Cheese is."He hums around his mouthful of the food, eyes closed as he savours the taste, the first piece of food he's eaten all day. Dallon jumps in alert whenever he hears the sound of a cat not that far away, opening his eyes and for his vision to catch a hold of the Hybrid that sits behind the glass of his Glass backdoor.

The hybrid is watching with wide brown eyes, vision zoned in on the bowl in Dallons hands in curiosity, the outside light shining on him gracefully. He looks so innocent in a type of way that Dallon is only realising now, with his wide soft eyes and the way he looks at everything with wonder. Dallon would find him cute if it wasn't for the fact that the damn feline has obviously went to great lengths to get Dallons attention.

"Maybe if I ignore you, you'll piss off somewhere else."He grumbles, hoping that ignoring him openly will cause the hybrid to leave.

Instead, the hybrid continues his mixture of Meows, Mewls and occasionally knocking on the class door delicately as if he's afraid to touch the glass.

"I just want to eat my food without being pestered!"Dallon shouts in annoyance, setting the empty bowl into the sink as he glares at the Hybrid through the glass. He's so young looking, watching Dallon with full attention of everything that he's doing, everything thing that he has been doing since he followed him home.


"I swear to god, I will throw my fucking shoe at you if you don't shut up!"

The hybrid blinks, his eyes locked on the tall human as he glares at him through the glass of his backdoor. Very gently, the hybrid brings up one of his hands from the damp ground, almost smirking as he knocks his knuckles against the clear glass before opening his mouth, showing the human those pointed feline teeth;


Dallon gives the Hybrid a hard glare, trying his best to look as pissed off as he can but coming off as nothing more than an odd human being to the Hybrid who almost smiles at him through the glass.

He gives an annoyed sigh, pointing a finger at the glass which causes the Hybrid to flinch back from the glass a little in shock.

"I'm going to bed. You better be gone by morning."And with that, Dallon flicks the outdoor light off and leaves the Hybrid in darkness.

Please tell me what you think!

Lmao update, I deleted 7K photos from my iPad.

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You think Dallon will soften up?

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