32. Makeup Is Fucking Great For A Guy

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Continue the title and you get a shout out (; .

I'm over 2K comments that's so unbelievable! And I'm also like 80 votes til 2K and that's another milestone! You all make it so worthwhile writing for this and I'm going to be so sad whenever this will come to be end, but it's nowhere near the end yet! I still have plenty to write and I cannot wait for you all to read it!

This is honestly my main priority, even tho it should be fics that I'm need of finishing and updating, this is my main priority.

Lmao I will never tone down with the cute. My goal is to kill you all with cute and fluff.

 My goal is to kill you all with cute and fluff

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"You have a lot of makeup."Brendon comments as he sits up on his knees on his Bedroom floor, a box of make up that Pete had brought over sitting in front of him. He had expected Pete to be into make up, mostly because every time that he sees Pete they're wearing a different type of eyeliner or their lips are a different shade. Brendon likes it though, he thinks Pete looks pretty whenever they wear make up.

Brendon had dragged Pete up the stairs the moment that they had walked through the door, make up box as well, leaving Ryan stranded at the doorway looking somewhat upset that he had been ignored by the little. It was clear that Brendon favoured Pete out of them all, even Dallon felt a little left out sometimes whenever Brendon would ignore him for Pete instead.

It was friendship though, one that Dallon can't blame the two of them for. Brendon brought out a different side of Pete, a happier side, even if Pete is being dragged up the stairs to play with toy cars or being forced into being made as a pillow to watch some stupid Disney film that Brendon just has to show them. And even know, with Brendon wanting to experiment with make up on Pete.

This is going to be a disaster, Pete can already tell that it will be. Somewhere down the line, Pete is going to end up looking like a clown, or maybe a drag queen if Brendon is the one that putting the make up on them. It'll be fun though, Pete might be very independent but they like to be pampered and they enjoy spending time with Brendon a lot.

"Well I have a lot of face to put make up on,"

"No need to be so sarcastic,"Brendon rolls his eyes, lips pursed into a pout that Pete finds ridiculously adorable. They are sat on the floor of Brendon's bedroom - even though he doesn't sleep in here, it's still Brendon's room no matter what - the make up box sat in between them as Brendon snoops through it. He's never seen so much make up before, but then again, he has only explored make up for as long as he has been living with his daddy.

"No need to be so obvious,"

"What's wrong?"Brendon frowns at his friends sour mood, his head tilt in full action as his kitten ears twitch in his hair. Of course Pete is snarky and sometimes rude, but that's in his nature, but he's extra snarky and rude today which makes Brendon worry.

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