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Welcome to the Epilogue! I'd like to start off with a massive thank you for everyone who has ever glanced at this fic, from reading, voting and especially commenting, it has made writing this so enjoyable and worthwhile. Also, I want to say well done if you actually did make it this far? Wtf? You stuck around?

I hope this is a satisfying enough ending to a book that is so close to my heart, and I really hope that you'll take the dedication you all brought to this book for the sequel!

Dallon. will be published shortly after Epilogue and I'll notify you all when it's published!



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"Brendon..."Dallon huffs out an amused puff of breath as he plucks up the paper origami crane that he has just found nestled on top of the freshly pressed towels in the bathroom hot press. He recognises it instantly because since Ryan S had came to his house, the house was beginning to become covered in the colourful paper birds, from little to small, white to blue and it seems like it has became a game for Dallon to collect them all.

As much as things had kicked off to a bad start at the beginning of the afternoon, Dallon thanked whoever was looking over him for how smoothly the rest of the afternoon had continued to go, with Brendon thankfully distracted by colourful pieces of paper and skilful hands that was teaching him on how to make origami paper cranes. It was a skill that Brendon had yet to master but by the end, he has proudly made five ("Daddy! Look! Look! Five!") perfect paper cranes that sat on a special place in Dallons music studio until he can give them as presents.

Dallon wouldn't go as far as saying that they hit it off like a house on fire, but Brendon was interested in Ryan, from his stunning blue hair that little Brendon curiously touched every second that he got to the fascinating skills and tricks that he has picked up all over the world while touring. Ryan S certainly had Brendon's curiosity and it was the best outcome that Dallon could hope for after a rough start.

That was a week ago, and still, Dallon is finding countless numbers of four full paper birds across the house, hidden in the oddest of places in Mugs, on top of the television, the back of the radiator and now, in the hot press among the piles of fluffy, fresh towels.

"You found it! O-only 10 more, Daddy!"Brendon is squealing from the bath, lavender scented bubble bath bubbles slowly beginning to fade around Brendon's squeaky clean body, curtesy of Dallon Weekes ( who battled washing Brendon and escaping with only soaked jeans! Success! ).

"How many did yous make?"He blows out an incredibly amused but bewildered huff of breath as he sets the lime green paper Crane onto the bathroom sink counter and unfolds the white fluffy towel.

"Well I made five, I-I'm not good at it but I'm better! A-and Ryan made like a million!"

"A million!"Dallon gasps, astonished at the amount of paper origami cranes that Ryan had supposedly made."What did you do with them all, peanut?"

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