56. #NotMyRyan

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My baby, Pete Wentz, is having a baby girl and I'm so ducking happy guys

Also I said I'd have this finished by the end of winter break and I went back on Friday so if I can push that to around next week that would be great. Thanks.

Are people still interested in this? Because I really do need to know, I feel like I've dragged it out too much but it's just with the plot.

Long ass chapter at 3800+ words. Please comment!


"Brendon, don't touch."

"But you said for me to help! I'm helping!"

"When I mean 'help', I mean for you to sit nicely at the breakfast table and stay away from the knives- put it down!"Dallon is quick with grabbing the knife just as Brendon drops it back into the counter, brown eyes wide and kitten ears pressed back into his hair at his Daddy's loud and frantic voice. Brendon seems to visibly sink at the stare that Dallon gives him when he turns, bottom lip jotting out and wobbling.

"Jus' wanna help, Daddy."His bottom lip is wobbling dangerously, big brown eyes wide and threatening to wet and Dallons entire body is screaming for him to hug his little boy to his chest and kiss him all over and tell him that it's okay. Dallon sighs, setting down the knife he was using himself and pulling the little in for a mug, resting his chin on the top of Brendon's soft dark hair.

"I know, baby, you just need to be careful. Alright?"The Daddy sighs, rocking them side to side in the hug and never more glad to know that they didn't result into tears this time, which is an achievement in both ends. The least that Dallon wants is a crying Brendon in the must of preparing lunch and Ryan-not-Ryan coming over. That would be disastrous."How about you get the plates and cups from the cupboard and set them nicely on the table for me. 3 plates, 2 glasses and your special cup."

"What about Sinatra?"The little is holding up the stuffed giraffe, lips pursed and kitten tail swishing the air behind him.

"Oh gosh, how could I even forget about him! He's the most important of us all!"Dallon is taking the stuffed giraffe out of Brendon's our stretched arms and holding him up to his face, voice silly and friendly."Do forgive me, Sir Sinatra."Before planting a kiss to the stuffed giraffes face.

"I want kisses! I want kisses!"Brendon is jumping up and down on the spot, arms out and lips forming a kissy face.

"Then my baby gets all of the kisses! C'mere, you!"Dallon is grabbing Brendon by the waist and hoisting him up onto the clear space of the kitchen counter, lips attaching every piece of skin that Dallon can find with over dramatic, wet kisses that has Brendon squealing and laughing.

"Dadd-ee!"Brendon is squealing with laughter, loud and wiggling as Dallon peppering fast kisses up his neck, over his cheeks, at his nose, chin, forehead and eventually his lips, planting three consecutive kisses in a row onto those pouty, adorable lips."More lip kisses."

"One more and then you and Sinatra can set out the plates and cups."He bargains, his lips breaking out into the biggest of grins when Brendon is nodding rapidly, pecking his lips in a gentle, platonic kiss.

"Love you, Daddy."

"And I love you too, Peanut."Dallon pats the hybrids thigh before helping him off the counter."Now go and set Sinatra down into his seat and then carefully take the plates to and from the table, one at a time."

"Yes Sir!"Brendon playfully salutes with a following giggle before running off to the direction of the kitchen table to set Sinatra into his usual seat, gently prompting him upright.

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