43. Dallon Weekes Needs A Hug

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I'm 50 comments away from 4K comments and that's such a good step! To have more comments than votes is actually strangely satisfying to see as it shows how many people are committed not just to read, but to also comment and I thank you all!

I also posted the first chapter of the spin-off 'Pete.' And I'd be great if you checked it out and have it a couple of comments. Thank you to all who has already, it means the world to me (:

I thought this chapter was rather bad in writing, it's rather wordy and sad

Get ready for tears

When Brendon first came into Dallons life, Dallon hadn't wanted anything to do with the pestering hybrid that seemed to follow him around like a second shadow

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When Brendon first came into Dallons life, Dallon hadn't wanted anything to do with the pestering hybrid that seemed to follow him around like a second shadow. His life was already still a mess, picking up the pieces of a broken relationship, a broken life, a broken person and for somebody new, somebody so needy and clingy to come into Dallons life was not an option at that time.

But he was a good person, he had a heart under the layers and layers of self pity and sour moods and he wasn't going to let the hybrid freeze outside. So he has let him in and so the story had went on. Brendon showed Dallon how to feel again, how to be okay with himself again whenever he had once thought that his life was over at 25. Brendon showed Dallon that yeah, it's okay to be scared, to cry, to be sad but that doesn't make you any less of who you are.

When Brendon didn't return from the bathroom on their date, Dallons mind had raced to the worse scenarios. They all scared Dallon to the bone because each and every one of his running wild thoughts ended with Brendon not coming back, with him being hurt, tortured, beaten, chained up and it was thoughts like that that made Dallons heart break all over again.

After Dallon had came to his senses, the police being rang and Ryan and Pete coming to the scene to aid Dallon, it hadn't taken long for him to pull the pieces together on who was behind Brendon's disappearance. It was just the matter of finding out where he was and how long it would take for the police to find them both and charge Spencer for hybrid abuse, something that should've been done years ago.

"They'll find him."Ryan had told Dallon that night, shuffling the towering man into the house that had long gone cold since the two left for their date. The house had already seemed to fall so eerily quiet without Brendon's presence, one that was usually filled with some type of chatter or loud slurred  mumbling if he was being carried off to bed.

Ryan and Pete themselves had sorted out the information regarding the police and the search for Brendon with what little information that Dallon could give them both. Turns out, Spencer Smith isn't always that much of a common name, especially when there's one involved in Hybrid capture, selling and breeding across the west coast.

Pete also had connections with the police and detective force which also helped a boost in their mission to find Spencer Smiths location and further more, Brendon's. It had proven to be more difficult than intending but progress was encouraged.

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