13. The Problems with Spaghetti

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I'm in the process of starting  a Ryan/Dallon/Brendon fanfic, it's going to be Little!Dallon with bottom!Dallon, Top!Ryan and switch!Brendon. I hope people will read it when I upload it (:

Also I changed the cover photo, who likes it?

Thank you so much for all of the comments! Keep it up please!

Trying to think of a name for a stuffed giraffe is hard guys lmao

2500+ words

"Daddy Dal! Look! Look!"Brendon gasps, bouncing into the kitchen for the fourth time since Dallon has started making them dinner

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"Daddy Dal! Look! Look!"Brendon gasps, bouncing into the kitchen for the fourth time since Dallon has started making them dinner. He has yet another outfit on, twirling excitedly with gleeful giggles whenever the skirt he has on flies up, his tail brushing against his bare legs. Brendon has made it his goal to try on every outfit before dinner is ready, and so far, he's a little behind with how much that Dallon bought him - mostly because Dallon doesn't know how to say no when it comes to Brendons pouty lips and big eyes.

"Give me a second, Brendon."Dallon has to hold back a sigh, checking on the spaghetti that's on the boil. Dallon doesn't know how to cook a lot, but what he does know is pretty good if he wasn't tooting his own horn or anything.

As much as it was entertaining to see Brendon has happy and excited about his new clothing, it was becoming a little concerned of just how ill treated the Hybrid was before he landed himself a temporary - Dallon has to keep reminding himself of that - home with Dallon.

"Hurrrrry!"He whines, getting impatient with how long it is taking for Dallon to turn around and look at his pretty outfit. Dallon had put away all of the clothing into a slate wardrobe in what is now being temporarily christened 'Brendons room', with his shoes tucked into the bottom of the wardrobe and underwear and t-shirts of the sort in the small set of drawers.

Of course now, most of the clothing is now piled onto the bed, something Brendon knows Dallon won't be happy about when he sees but that's something to worry about later.

"Okay, I'm looking, I'm looking!"Dallon throws his arms up, turning his attention onto Brendon who twirls in that moment to show off the way his new Pastel purple skirt flows. Brendon giggles, standing directly in front of Dallon, playing with the ends of his new white sweater as he waits for the mans reaction."For the hundredth time, you look very pretty."

"Very Pretty?"Brendon blushes, looking down at his sock covered feet and then to Dallon who smiles warmly at him.

"Very pretty."Dallon repeats, feeling a warmth in his chest whenever Brendon grins happily at the man, kitten ears standing up on show and tail swaying behind him."Now as much as that outfit is wonderful on you, I think you should go change for Dinner."

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