25. Tyler Joesph Has The Patience Of A Saint

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Looking for an outfit for interview skills day in school sucks major balls because I'm not the kind of person that dresses up, guys. I'm the tracksuit bottoms and band T-shirts kind of person fml.

This is gonna be as long as I can make it that nobody is bored, is that all good?

This is just pure cuteness and fluff?

Hidden Camera Vines are some of my favourite Dallon Weekes vines

Hidden Camera Vines are some of my favourite Dallon Weekes vines

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"Brendon, I'm only going to be gone for a couple of hours. It'll be just like when Pete is looking after you! But only this time, Tyler and Josh are gonna look after you instead!"Dallon tries his best to sound excited about the situation because he really is trying to persuade the hybrid in his arms that he's going to have good fun with Tyler and Josh, even if Dallon isn't here to have the fun as well.

It's not as if Dallon wants to be dropping Brendon in the hands of Tyler and Josh because after all, he isn't their responsibility and he'd rather be spending the time with Brendon than drop him off for Tyler and Josh to be keeping an eye on him.

He feels bad about it, because it isn't like when Pete is coming over to look after Brendon whenever Dallon has to work, this is more to give Dallon his own time because god he deserves it. Don't get him wrong, he loves being Brendon's Daddy and looking after him but after looking after Brendon for a week with his stomach bug, he's exhausted.

"Why can't Pete look after me?"Brendon pouts, his kitten ears lowering in his dark hair as he looks at Dallon with wide, confused brown eyes. He has his legs hooked around the older mans waist, arms wrapped around his neck and not willing to let go of the man because he is not leaving him here on his own.

"Because Pete has an icky tummy, just like you had an icky tummy."Dallon explains gently to the kitten hybrid in his arms, despite Brendon being feeling bigger than he has In a long time. There's not all that much difference between a little or big Brendon, mostly because both big and little Brendon seem to be unreasonably clingy and have an unhealthy obsession with staying close to Dallon.

"We'll tell him that I'm more important and he promised to watch The Lion King with me!"Dallon flinches at the loudness of Brendon's voice, especially with how close the hybrid is to his face.

"Brendon, lower your voice or I won't hesitate on putting you on the naughty step."Because little or not, they still have rules that both of them have to go by, and if that means Dallon having to create a naughty step in Tyler's home then so be it.

"You wouldn't."Brendon narrows his eyes at the man, kitten ears lowering into his hair and lips pursed in a straight line as if he's almost daring Dallon to punish him because no matter the half hearted threats that Dallon makes, he never acts upon them.

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