45. Rubber Duckies

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For a sequel, I have the idea of Dallon getting pretty famous with his music career and basically the effect that it has on Brendon and Dallon and their DD/LB relationship as well as their normal intimate relationship. Another idea is of like MPreg, and Brendon getting pregnant (as he's a kitten hybrid who can have heats etc) but I'm not sure.

The idea of a sequel is THERE but it all depends how I want to end this fic. I have more planned for THIS book, so hang in there (;

Also! I'm so so sorry for lack of updates! I've been trying to finish Gentleman and Quiet and I'm just so damn tired!

Maybe this is a little boring at the start but it gets better! I'm just so off track with my writing at the mien time because of holidays but whenever I get home my writing will be a lot more frequent and better, I promise!

To say that Brendon's arrival home has been difficult was an understatement, a lot of the progress that Dallon and Brendon has made in their relationship had went down the drain through Spencer's torture that Brendon had to endure. Therefore, it had seemed like they were starting at square one, with Dallon taking great caution to be just be around Brendon as if he was a ticking time bomb ready to go off, dancing around him as if he was made of fire.

Brendon had started flinching at every weird click or bump in the house, cowering with fright whenever somebody on the television would raise their voice, and it gotten so bad that Dallon had to go to great lengths to censorship his own television to make sure that Brendon didn't come across something that would trigger a bad reaction out of him.

He's doing his best and nobody can knock Dallon for that. The man is going twice the leaps and bounds to make sure that Brendon is comfortable, from carding his fingers through Brendon's hair during the nights when Brendon can't sleep, in hopes that it'll help or sitting in the bath with the hybrid as he washes himself as Brendon was too afraid to be in the bath on his own.

There's been problems from both ends as Dallon isn't made of steal and Brendon hasn't been the only one suffering from the turn of events that had been thrown their way. There's been nights that Dallon has found himself awake in all hours of the morning, too afraid to shut his eyes incase he opens them to find out that Brendon is no longer laying in his arms. There's been breakfasts, lunches, dinners where Dallon takes a glance at Brendon's skin and bones attire and piles his own food onto Brendon's plate for him to eat.

It's not good, it's not healthy, but Dallon only wants what's best for Brendon, his Brendon, his baby. And if that means he misses out on food for a day or sleep for a week then so be it.

But Dallon has been working his way through every fault and flaw that's been thrown at him so far , from both his way and Brendon's as he's done it once before and he's willing to put all his effort and more to build up Brendon's trust, his love and relationship all over again.

"His arm is going to take a while longer to heal completely, I can't possibly say on the progress as I have no access to an x-day machine here, but it's healing which is a start. His stitches are starting to fall out which is also a good sign, keep an eye on them and clean them if you can the same way with the cuts and scars on his back and thighs."Doctor Harris is informing Dallon as he scribbles something onto a note pad.

As much as Doctor Harris doesn't usually do house visits, he's made expeditions for Brendon and Brendon only after hearing the news of his injuries and furthermore. In a way, it's easier for them all, it lowers Brendon's risks of infection and it means that Dallon doesn't have the struggle of taking Brendon out of his safe environment.

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