3. Brendons a Stupid Name For A Cat

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I'm updating this so much lmao I hope you all love me for these updates because I love writing this. This is a type of fic where you gotta update a lot (;

Keep the comments up (: I love reading all of your comments

Dallon pulls the covers further up his body as another lighting bolt cracks across the sky outside

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Dallon pulls the covers further up his body as another lighting bolt cracks across the sky outside. It had scheduled to storm and Dallon is never more grateful for not having a crippling fear of thunder storms and also being blissfully gifted with being a heavy sleeper. He's actually a lover of thunderstorms in some way, he finds them strangely relaxing and fascinating to watch during lonely hours of the night where he can't sleep.

His little nest is warm and cosy, wrapped up in his thick duvet as he sleeps with the side of his face pressed against the cold side of the pillow and his mouth hanging open with snores. Just like a lot of people, Sleep is a vital part of Dallons every day life and not even a thunderstorm was going to ruin it.

Strangely enough, he does find himself wakening up slightly to a painful mewling sound that rings in his ears and causes him to scrunch his nose up at such a horrible sound. He attempts to pull the covers further up his body to try and block out the sound, grunting whenever he fails of doing so and ends up hitting himself in the face whenever the covers slip out from under his tight grip.

"For fuck sake."He groans in pain, voice laced in thick sleep as he rubs his hand over his face to make sure that he isn't bleeding. He sits up in bed, rubbing at his face tiredly just as another crack of thunder shakes the house, lightening simultaneously lightening up Dallons bedroom as he yawns his tiredness.

Dallon can hear the same mewl cry echo through the house, causing Dallon to open his eyes and look around. It's loud enough to make him believe that whoever or whatever is making that sound is actually in the room. It's a heart breaking sound of a cry of fear and terror that surprisingly makes Dallons heart ache as he listens.

Out of tiredness and determination to find out who or what is making that god awful sound - and to put an end to it somehow - Dallon is kicking the thick duvet off of his body before forcefully pulling himself out of bed. He's groggy in his actions as he shuffles his way out of the bedroom and follows the sad mewling of fear until he ends up in the Kitchen.

"Are you shitting me?"Dallon looks almost sourly at the Hybrid that has went to desperate measures to try and get out of the rain, body pressed as close as possible to the glass of the back door. He opens his mouth to let out another painfully scared sound, shaking like a leaf as he cries in the rain whenever another clap of thunder is released.

The Hybrid looks so scared as he tries to cower out of the rain, face scrunched up in a cry whenever more rain pelts down onto his sensitive little cat ears, his tail wrapped around his body in a form of protection.

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